
Showing 76-100 of 332
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003 公共圖書館館藏發展指南與策略 王梅玲 conference
2000-06 網際網路時代圖書館與出版者角色之演變 薛理桂 conference
1999-08 The Application of EAD in Chinese Archives: A Preliminary Test 薛理桂 conference
1999-04 二十一世紀我國大專圖書館事業展望 薛理桂 conference
1999-03 美加等國政府出版品電子化與寄存圖書館服務趨勢 薛理桂 conference
1998-12 我國專業術語與外國譯名的控制淺探 薛理桂 conference
1998-05 檔案機讀編目格式在中文應用芻議 薛理桂 conference
1997 從國外珍藏文獻數位化發展現況談我國發展途徑 薛理桂 conference
1997 圖書館學與資訊科學核心課程—讀者服務之規劃 薛理桂 conference
1997 資訊網路時代圖書館利用教育 薛理桂 conference
1997 英美兩國電子圖書館之發展:兼論我國發展之途徑 薛理桂 conference
2002-01 從網路教學談大學圖書館服務 王梅玲 conference
1998-06 台灣地區大學圖書館的館際合作:現況與展望 楊美華 conference pdf(1112)
2008-11 大學圖書館資訊共享空間理念與建置 楊美華 conference
2006-01 學術傳播的變遷對館藏發展的挑戰 楊美華Mei-Hwa Yang conference pdf(3013)
2010-03-11 A Study on the Collaboration of Chinese Name Authority Control 林巧敏、林淑芬、Chiao-Min Lin、Shu-Fen Lin conference pdf(7040)
2010-03-11 Long-term Preservation of Electronic Resources in Repositories:the Casa of the United States、Canada and the United Kingdom 莊詒婷、I-Ting, Chuang conference pdf(3269)
2010-03-12 A Preliminary Study on Cooperative Collection Development Among Archives, Libraries and Museums 薛理桂吳宇凡Li-Kuei HsuehYu-Fan Wu conference pdf(5058)
2012-04 發展具促進互動討論與想法分享之Web 2.0工具提升網路合作學習成效 陳志銘、Chen, Chih-Ming conference pdf(1367)
2012-04 數位課程教學設計:政大圖書資訊學數位碩士班個案研究 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-ling conference pdf(907)
2009-03 Action Research into E-learning Curriculum Development for Library and Information Science in Taiwan 王梅玲 conference
2007-11 The Impact of E-learning Quality Assurance on LIS Education in Taiwan 王梅玲 conference
2008-07 Ontology-based Concept Map for Planning Personalized Learning Path 陳志銘、Chen, Chih-Ming、Peng, hi-Jui、Shiue, Jer-Yeu conference
2008-07 Web-based remote human pulse monitoring system with intelligent data analysis for home healthcare 陳志銘、Chen, Chih-Ming、Hong, Chin-Ming、Huang, Chia-Meng 、Lee, Tai-Hung conference 說明頁(1182)
2008-07 Mining Interactive Social Network for Recommending Appropriate Learning Partners in a Web-based Cooperative Learning Environment 陳志銘 conference