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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 57
23-Aug-2016Lord Byron vis-à-vis Leila: Gender Politics in "RumourChin, Jen-Hao
23-Aug-2016Cultural Conflicts behind 2014 Outbreak in West AfricaWang, Tien-Hsin
23-Aug-2016Islam, Islamism and Secularization: The Thoughts of Bassam TibiYu, Andy
23-Aug-2016The Trajectories of Trauma and Pain in the Post 1967 War PoetryGohar, Saddik M.
23-Aug-2016達里歐〈船夫〉敘事結構杜孝捷; Torres, Alicia
23-Aug-2016“Gee! They’re All in Love with Phantoms!”: How the Fantasies Have Constructed the Love Triangle in Hardy’s “On the Western Circuit”Huang, Billy Bin-feng
23-Aug-2016Of Thin Places and Classroom Spaces: Lin Yutang and the Case for Irresponsible TravelingSample, Joe
23-Aug-2016Towards a Dialogic World: Mediums at Work in Post/Colonial South AfricaLee, Chia-Sui
23-Aug-2016可譯性與非可譯性:哈金跨太平洋接受狀況之再解讀苗偉; Miao, Wei
23-Aug-2016書評: 挑戰禁忌的兒童文學曹穎寶; Tso, Anna Wing Bo
23-Aug-2016摩登、政治與視覺隱喻:試論《婦人畫報》中的女性扮裝徐禎苓; Hsu, Chen-Lin
23-Aug-2016賽珍珠《大地》作為漢學全球化的雛形探討郭佳雯; Kuo, Chia-wen
23-Aug-2016Tahar Ben Jelloun’s Labyrinthe des sentiments: Literary Strategies in Contemporary Moroccan Travel WritingAjah, Richard Oko
23-Aug-2016“Mapping Without Going”: Imagined/Imaginary Forms of Border Crossing and Cultural Exchange in the Age of Metaphorical TravelEn-nehas, Jamal
23-Aug-2016Transformation and Alienation on Glocal Landscape in Jia Zhangke’s The WorldKang, Kai
23-Aug-2016Identities in Motion in Maryse Condé’s I, Tituba, Black Witch of SalemMzoughi, Imen
23-Aug-2016Mental Borders in Ian Rankin’s Black and Blue林欣瑩; Lin, Hsin-Ying
23-Aug-2016Otaelo: Reading Shakespeare’s Othello in Igbo CultureBalogum, Lekan
23-Aug-2016Buddhism and the Maugham Persona: Navigating Alterity in The Moon and SixpenceOveraa, Roderick B.
23-Aug-2016暴力的慾望反撥:日本與台灣的黑幫電影中的抵抗意識張藝鐘; Chang, I-Chung
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 57
