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dc.description.abstractAs the economy is advancing towards maturity, service industry plays an increasingly important role. Service business is considered more important especially in Taiwan, as both the domestic demand and the corporate expansion are limited. Therefore, overseas market is always a target for Taiwan’s franchising industry. Based on a long-term development, Taiwan’s franchising brands have achieved a considerable stage in terms of operation, management, expertise and know-how. As a result, many well-known brands begin to extend their business and extend stores to the overseas market.\r\nConsidering the potential of Taiwan food, the government has highlight the Food Internationalization as one of the Top 10 Service Industries, and issued Taiwan Food Internationalization Plan to assist Taiwan food industry in the overseas market. Combining traditional Chinese food culture and localized exotic food characters, Taiwan food has won great favor from people both domestic and abroad. Taking advantage of information technology, the Ministry of Economic Affairs actively helps practitioners further upgrade the operating efficiency, improve the food health and safety, introduce new types of products and exert brand effects. Besides achieving the innovational value adding and transition of the industry, it also expects to set up Taiwan food a successful model of Services Technicalization and Internationalization in the optimization of industrial structure.\r\nDrink chains always stand out in Taiwan’s catering industry. Ever since 1990s, drink chains have formed rich marketing experience and mature know-how in respects of flavor development and adjustment, production technology and operation. Since Quickly and Easy Way started to explore the overseas market in 1999, bubble tea has become renowned all over the world. However, they failed to promote this Taiwan flavor in Korea when they entered Korean market in the end of 1990s. Not until Gong Cha entered Korean market in 2012 has the bubble tea become popular. The success of Gong Cha has driven plenty of Taiwan drink chains to open stores in Korea. However, overseas market exploration is comprehensive and complicated. Besides the outstanding quality and uniqueness of products, it’s also crucial to deeply understand the target market so as to find the successful marketing strategies.\r\nKorean economy has been controlled by several big businesses for long. In recent years, Korean government tries to create more jobs to activate economy and improve consuming environment. On the Conference of APEC Leaders and Representatives of Business Advisory Council held in Beijing in 2014, Park Geun-hye, president of Korean, indicated that the economy would grow comprehensively only when the SMEs become the growth incentive and the economic core. Korean government has pushed various policies to support SMEs development. Therefore, it’s beneficial for both the development of Taiwan’s SMEs and the revitalization and employment of Korea, if Taiwan’s chain brands expand to Korean market.\r\nWhen Hallyu is prevalent in Taiwan, a trend of Taiwan also arises in Korea in a unique way. The study tried to analyze the case of Gong Cha’s success in Korean market to find the factors of successful marketing. Through the case study, it also expected to provide useful information to the practitioners of Taiwan’s franchising industry.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsI.緒論..................................................1\r\n1. 研究動機與研究目的.................................... 1\r\n2. 研究範圍與研究方法.....................................4\r\n3. 研究架構與研究流程.....................................6\r\n4. 文獻探討..............................................8\r\n4.1 名詞定義.............................................8\r\n4.2 產業分析............................................19\r\n4.3 行銷策略............................................20\r\n4.4 其他文獻............................................26\r\nII. 台灣連鎖加盟飲料店在韓國的發展背景與現況...............29\r\n1. 台灣連鎖飲加盟料店的發展現況...........................29\r\n1.1 珍珠奶茶的起源......................................29\r\n1.2 台灣連鎖加盟飲料店發展現況............................31\r\n2. 台灣連鎖加盟飲料店進軍韓國市場之背景....................34\r\n2.1 韓國咖啡市場的過度飽和...............................34\r\n2.2 韓國人對飲品口味的求新求變............................46\r\n2.3 韓國WELL-BEING風潮..................................47\r\n2.4 韓國年輕族群帶進國外珍奶飲用風潮......................49\r\n3. 台灣連鎖加盟飲料店在韓國的發展現況......................51\r\nIII. 案例分析...........................................59\r\n1. 貢茶................................................59\r\n1.1 介紹貢茶............................................59\r\n1.2 貢茶在台灣市場的發展現況..............................62\r\n1.3 貢茶在海外市場的發展現況況............................63\r\n2. 貢茶在韓國市場的發展現況與行銷策略......................68\r\n2.1 貢茶進軍韓國市場的理由與背景..........................68\r\n2.2 貢茶在韓國的發展現況與行銷策略........................71\r\n2.3 貢茶在韓國市場的困境與未來展望........................88\r\nIV、結論與後續研究建議...................................89\r\n1. 結論................................................89\r\n2. 研究限制與後續研究建議................................91\r\n【參考文獻】............................................92zh_TW
dc.format.extent5436577 bytes-
dc.subjectTaiwan drink chainsen_US
dc.subjectKorean coffee chainsen_US
dc.titleMarket Research of the taiwan chained Tea brand advancing Korea-Gong Cha for exampleen_US
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