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題名: 中世後期加賀国白山麓の村の由緒
Tails of the village of Mt. Hakusan,Kaga Province in the late middle ages
作者: 永井隆之
Nagai Ryuji
關鍵詞: 白山; 加賀 村; 由緒; 日本中世; 相論
日期: Jan-2012
上傳時間: 30-Aug-2016
摘要: 靈峰白山橫跨了加賀‧越前‧美濃三國。自泰澄開山以來,以神佛鎮山之名逐漸集結了人們的尊崇。為了與山頂(禪頂)上的神佛結緣,白山山麓中的馬場為人們的必到之處。在這三國中各自於一個地方設置馬場,馬場裡設有許多寺社,皆為白山信仰的道場,而寺社也形成到禪頂的參拜道路(禪定道路)上的據點。然而每個馬場各自凸顯與泰澄的關連性以示各自禪定道的正統性,並且各馬場提出主張為了向泰澄爭取禪頂社殿營造權。此外營造權還包含了能徵收香油錢的權利。 原本營造社殿的權利在於馬場裡最上位的寺院裡且地位最高的僧侶身上,而執行營造的是由靠近禪頂登山口的村莊裡的村民負責。這個事實最初是從加賀馬場的白山本宮與膝下莊園山內莊的地頭結城氏,為了爭奪社殿營造權而展開的白山論爭,從中證實了他們的存在,稱為天文論爭;過程中會出現從屬本宮一方的尾添村,及結城氏一方的牛首・風嵐村。本文在探討先行研究成果的同時,亦會將焦點放在關於論爭的研究史料『泰澄記』上。雖然這部『泰澄記』主要記載馬場中的寺社與泰澄間的因緣關係,但由於這部史料是由村民所完成的關係,在某種意義上來說內容裡也會出現村莊的物語。
Mt.Hakusan crosses three countries--Kaga, Echizen, and Mino. In order to become attached to the gods and buddhas, the base camp in the foothills of Mt.Hakusan is the place where everyone visits. These three countrie set up their own shrines in their countries, which had then become some strongholds along the way to the top of the mountain. They fought for the rights to build the temple on the top of the mountain. The right also included of ”incense tax”. The work of building the temples belonged to the monk in the temple which ranked the first in the ranch; and the villagers lived near the entrance of the mountain were in charge of building them. The existence is being proven by the ‘Hakusan Controversy’.The village called Ozou in the Hakusan main shrine and the village called Kazarashi and Ushikubi of the Yuki clan would be mentioned. In this article,we would put the focus on “The Story of TaiChou”. It recorded the relations between the temples in the ranches. Importantly, The context would show the tales of the village.
關聯: 政大日本研究,第九號,55-81
Chengchi journal of Japanese studies
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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