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題名: 資訊時代中營業秘密保障之探討
作者: 曾勝珍
關鍵詞: 智慧財產權; 營業秘密; 網際網路; 經濟間諜; 電腦化
日期: Apr-2009
上傳時間: 31-Aug-2016
摘要: 營業秘密保護之目的在於維護產業競爭倫理,調和經濟競爭秩序,鼓勵產業技術之創造與維新,並提供消費者更佳的消費環境與選擇。我國為配合及尊重國際上的共識,已將營業秘密視為智慧財產權的一環,國際潮流中如TRIPs協定,對我國相關立法有極大影響,其他如外國立法例,亦為我國參考立法的重要藍圖。電腦化的社會型態,產生許多秘密資訊洩漏或被竊取的危機,如何妥善運用科技工具及網際網路的便利,又能有效保障企業體系視為命脈的營業秘密,是當今資訊時代值得重視與探討的主題。\\r本文將先行說明我國在營業秘密保障上相關立法之規定;其次考察美國法規;再就實務上電腦化對營業秘密保障產生的影響進行分析;最後提出對我國相關法制的建議,公司保存機密資訊對研發成果的保護及利潤的追求,達到一體兩面的功效,分為營業戰略、智慧財產權的維護等部分說明。確保智慧財產權的取得、讓與或內容,在實務上可採取書面契約及確認程序等方式進行。我國營業秘密法雖於民國八十五年一月十七日公布施行,惟其中並未因應經濟間諜罪刑、科技型態更新而有修訂,因此本文考察美國法,斟酌我國現況,提出立法論之建議以供參考。
Since the modern development of technology has a significant impact on intellectual property, enterprises are increasingly utilizing laws to protect the value of their intellectual property. The global reach of the Internet poses the risks of losing the enterprises’ trade secrets. This article will specifically address the impact of modern technology on trade secret law. Part I will provide an overview of R.O.C. trade secret laws; Part Ⅱ will introduce the United States trade secret laws; Part Ⅲ will discuss specific threats to trade secrets posed by ubiquitous use of computer technology in the commercial envionment. Finally, the issue of this article tries to discuss the law and intends to suggest other new statutes to complete the trade secret protection in R.O.C.. The solutions will increase the welfare of society and nation.
關聯: 政大智慧財產評論, 7(1), 43-76
NCCU Intellectual Property Review
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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