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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Jenn Hwanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsu, Yu Chengen_US
dc.creatorHsu, Yu Chengen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the past three decades, the logic of new economics has blurred the boundary between the labor and the capital, making it difficult to define the condition of some jobholders. Real estate broker is a good example in hand. Against this background and using the real estate brokerage industry as its case, this study aims to probe the cause of the blurred scope of labor relation through answering the following question: is the real estate broker an employee hired by or a franchisee of real estate agency? The analysis of this study focuses on the period after the Real Estate Broking Management Act passed and implemented. The methods of the documentary analysis and in-depth interview are employed for this study. After a brief historic account for the formation of relationship between real estate brokers and their agencies, the thesis discusses the institutional arrangements and the labor process in this industry. It is found that while real estate brokers generally consider their relationship with their agencies as “the same as franchise” or contracting, evidences suggested that it is more likely to be employer-employee relationship. The crux of the problem lies in the network among brokers. For brokers, network is their ‘means of production’ whilst it is a form of capital for real estate agency. What should be noted though is that, different from how they are originally defined by Marx, brokers do not own the network; neither do their agencies invest in the creation of the network despite that they exercise a certain degree of control over the labor process. State intervention through legal regulation is the key for understanding this blurred labor relations. The regulation stipulates that “real estate brokers must join companies, and companies must join guilds.” and grants real estate agency a dominant position in the network. This is also the main reason why although Labor Standards Act has applied to real estate brokerage industry, it barely protects the rights of brokers. The finding of this study not only provides us with a chance to understand the meanings of ‘means of production’ and ‘capital’ in different context, but also contributes to the debate about the labor regime where real estate brokers work.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n 一、研究緣起 1\n 二、文獻檢閱 2\n (一)資本主義勞動過程的本質 2\n (二)從「志願性服從」到「純勞動意識」 5\n (三)勞資範疇的模糊與分化 8\n (四)台灣「勞不勞、資不資」的相關研究 9\n 三、研究問題與目的 12\n 四、研究方法 13\n 五、章節安排 15\n第二章 台灣房地產仲介業發展史 17\n 一、苗栗地區房仲業的基本圖像 17\n (一)個案概述 17\n (二)定義「苗栗地區」 18\n (三)苗栗地區房仲業的薪獎安排方式 19\n 二、簡史 22\n (一)傳統掮客期:1950~1970 22\n (二)仲介雛形期:1970~1985 23\n (三)仲介發展期:1985~2015 25\n 三、房仲營業員從業性質的變化 29\n 四、薪獎安排方式的演變 31\n第三章 房仲業中的制度性安排 33\n 一、綁在地上的事業 33\n 二、房仲業的流動方式:「升級」 35\n (一)被規約的外部流動路線 35\n (二)房仲業中的創業因素 38\n 三、勞健保:可被選擇的義務 42\n 四、佣收的稅目? 44\n (一)「五號領薪水」 44\n (二)稅務層次上的「互利共生」 47\n 五、小結 48\n第四章 高專營業員的勞動過程 49\n 一、賴以為生的網絡 49\n (一)什麼是開發? 50\n (二)要如何銷售? 53\n (三)房仲業網絡的運作機制 56\n 二、公司控制的根源 58\n (一)公司壟斷進出網絡的決定權 58\n (二)特約代書制度 64\n 三、秩序的形成與繁衍 69\n (一)自我與他者 69\n (二)風險認知的建構 73\n 四、小結 75\n第五章 解析「加盟的加盟」 76\n 一、苗栗地區房仲業的經營形態 76\n (一)自營多於加盟 76\n (二)較為平等的自願加盟 77\n 二、不對等的兩個「加盟」 79\n (一)主觀認知與客觀事實的落差 79\n (二)極度市場導向的薪資制度 82\n 三、「加盟的加盟」的場域 84\n (一)房仲業中的衝突類型 84\n (二)「五五對分」的來源與意義 87\n (三)「互利」「共生」作為前提與條件 88\n 四、小結 90\n第六章 結論 92\n 一、研究發現 92\n 二、對其他研究者 94\n 三、對本文報導人 96\n參考文獻 100\n附錄 106\n 附錄一 不動產經紀業統計資訊 106\n 附錄二 訪談大綱 108\n 附錄三 薪資指數 110\n 附錄四 受訪者基本資料表 111\n 附錄五 地政士作業流程表 113zh_TW
dc.format.extent2909751 bytes-
dc.subjectmeans of productionen_US
dc.subjectlabor relationsen_US
dc.subjectreal estate brokerage industryen_US
dc.titleFranchisee or Employee? A Study of the Scope of Labor Relation in Real Estate Brokerage Industry in Miaolien_US
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