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題名: 食慾‧食域:霧鹿布農人當代飲食經驗再現的空間
Mapping the taste: Ethnography of contemporary Bunun diet experience
作者: 邱夢蘋Langus‧Lavalian
Chiu, Meng Ping
貢獻者: 官大偉
Kuan, Da Wei
Chiu, Meng Ping
關鍵詞: 霧鹿
taki Bulbul (Wulu)
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 1-Sep-2016
摘要: 本文的研究目的在於透過參與觀察來理解霧鹿布農人的當代飲食經驗所實踐與具體化不同性質的空間,進一步去討論空間形塑過程裡文化邏輯的運作以及外部社會環境力量的介入。為了完成此研究目的,本論文中將分別探究三種社會範疇中飲食經驗所再現的空間樣貌:親屬、祭儀、經濟。其一,親屬之空間,乃透過結婚豬肉分食所具象之親屬地圖。其二,祭儀之空間,乃山肉在祭儀場域中形塑出的神聖空間性質。其三,經濟之空間,乃餐桌的食物來源圖,包含日常生活中各種飲食來源與生產/消費空間。上述的部落飲食空間前後歷經日本政府與中華民國政府二者的殖民,在現代國家力量與市場經濟體系的影響下逐漸產生斷裂,然而族人透過既有的日常文化邏輯實踐,正不斷地創造新的霧鹿布農人的飲食文化樣貌,而以自己的方式重新鏈接斷裂的飲食空間。本文不僅提供當代霧鹿部落飲食的全貌性觀點,也透過微觀的從一個部落的田野材料編排出鉅視的跨地域、跨時限的飲食經驗。
The aim of this thesis is to study how the Bunun (taki Bulbul: live in Wulu, Taitung, Taiwan) people’s contemporary diet experiences practiced in the distinct characters space and externalize simultaneously. In addition, I will uncover how the cultural idioms work in the forming of spaces experiences besides the external factors like modern state institutional authority and capitalist market economy. Therefore, to accomplish this purpose, this thesis would be divided into three parts about the eating experience in the Bunun social context: kinship, rituals and economic life. First, the space of kinship, the map of kinship which figurative by share the pork- as bride price- in the marriage, then externalize the marriage exchange cycles. Second, the sacred space is shaped by sharing the preys in the field of rituals public contrasting modern state institutions made traditional hunt illegal. Third, the space of economy, is the diagram about the food sources on the dining table, include a variety of dietary sources and its production / consumption space of daily life. The taki Bulbul indigenous community colonized by Japanese Empire and Government of the Republic of China, both colonialists implied the force from modern states and market economic system. Finally, because of these factors describe above, the indigenous spaces gradually be ruptured, yet the people still follow our cultural logic to constantly creating new food culture appearance, then relink the rupture space by our own way. This thesis not only provides a comprehensive view of contemporary Bunun people’s diets culture, but also layout the giant cross-regional, cross-time eating experience from a microscopic field of view.
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