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題名: 難以言喻的工作寫照:以隱喻抽取技術探索報社攝影記者的心理範式與價值共識
其他題名: Work Scenarios Beyond Description: Exploring Photojournalists` Schemata and Value Consensus Using Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique
作者: 蒯光武;羅琦文
Koai, Kuang-Wu;Lo, Chi-Wen
關鍵詞: 心理範式; 行動主體; 媒體組織; 價值共識; 隱喻抽取技術; 攝影記者
actor;media organization;photojournalist;schemata;value consensus;Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique
日期: Apr-2013
上傳時間: 9-Sep-2016
摘要: 數位化科技對攝影記者的工作認知與角色期待有何影響?本研究探索行動主體的心理範式,呈現科技變遷與組織變革對行動者工作認知的影響。從行動主體的視角,藉由行動主體個別心理範式與集體共識價值之分析,說明數位化科技帶動的組織結構化對行動主體產生的限制,以及行動主體如何在限制下發揮能動性,以持續累積各種資本與建立各層社會關係。本研究採用隱喻抽取技術,探究6家主流報紙地方攝影記者的心理範式與價值共識。除總結影像「照」出7位攝影記者個人的心理範式之外,經共識地圖「寫」出共識價值。重要性依序為「存在價值」、「新聞道德」、「尊重」、「成就感」、「娛樂」、「藝術」。數位化科技與媒體組織變革帶給攝影記者生存危機感,受訪者最在意充實攝影素養與提振採訪勞動效率,以保持職位、地位與專業性,據以換得薪資獎酬;其次重視新聞道德,崇尚紀實。之後的價值觀是在繁重的勞動過程中發揮攝影的娛樂性與藝術性,以保有工作趣味與個人風格。
In this study, we investigated whether actors’ schemata could be explored so that their work scenario could be presented and how actors perceive organizational change generated by digitalization. From the actor/structure perspective, we explore how organizational restructuring limits actors’ occupational schemata individually and value consensus collectively, as well as their response to the matter. Using 7 photojournalists (as actors) serving at the local branches of 6 mainstream national newspapers (as media organizations) as our sample, we used the Zaltman method of elicitation to detail journalists’ role schemata, which comprises 6 ultimate values. Ordered from most to least important, these values were existence as a profession, preservation of news ethics, respect from others, sense of achievement, entertainment value (i.e., fun work), and artistic (i.e., personal style). This suggests that digitalization affects the way photojournalists work and their existence as a profession in the media organizations they serve. Because they are in constant struggle with media organizations (caused by digitalization), Southern Taiwan’s photojournalists adopt a work schemata of self-enhancement by enriching cultural and social capital in exchange with media organizations for economic (i.e., financial) capital.
關聯: 新聞學研究, 115, 187-236
Mass Communication Research
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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