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題名: \"Amativeness\" and \"Adhesiveness\": Whitman`s Forces of Unity
作者: 陳長房
Chen, Chang-Fang
貢獻者: 英語系
日期: 三月-1993
上傳時間: 17-十月-2016
摘要: 本論文探討惠特曼詩中綜合統攝之力。在「草葉集」中惠特曼試圖超越傳統,肯定未經雕飾的自然,重建人類神性的稟賦。依此推衍,傅萊耶論述天啟式的想像即變得十分有意義。傅氏以為天啟式的世相是探究現實的最高形式,也是人類追求欲望想像的極致。天啟式的視界,或代表基督教「聖經」末卷的「啟示錄」肇端的「天堂樂境」;或代表希臘羅馬古典傳統的「黃金時代」。唯有身處此時此地,自然即賦有人性的特質,人類心靈可獲得解放。而這些在在皆胥賴特殊的喻意修辭技巧的運用不為功。此外萬物齊一的觀點也是惠特曼文學架構的中心原則。傅氏相信自我認同的最高形式唯有在天啟式的視域中可以覓得。臻至此境界,人類可以將遠古純真世界與現代墮落世界,自我與異已,主體與客體,神性與人性,靈與肉,物質與精神合媾為一。在詩行中,喻意修辭的運用同時也確認了詩人的齊物觀蘊涵詩人與主題的神契冥合。
This study will reflect the forces of unity in selected poems of Walt Whitman. It will be noted that in many of Whitman`s poems in Leaves of Grass the poet accomplishes the epochal by reaching behind tradition to find and assert nature untroubled by art, and by re-establishing the divinity of man. In this connection, Frye`s discussion of apocalyptic reality is important. Apocalyptic reality is, for Frye, reality in its highest form. It is what the human imagination can conceive at the extreme limits of desire. Apocalypes, as Frye uses it, has been represented variously as the Revelation at the end of the Bible or the Paradise at the beginning to use the Christian metaphors; or the Golden Age, to use the image of classical antiquity. It is only in the apocalyptic world, accoding to Frye, that nature can be humanized and man liberated -- and both are achieved at the same time by the principle of radical metaphor. \"This is metaphor,\" Fry notes, \"the complete transformation of both nature and human nature into the same form.\"
關聯: 國立政治大學學報, 66 part 1,269-305
資料類型: article

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