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dc.contributor.advisorLin, Yung Fangen_US
dc.contributor.authorChou, Chien Hungen_US
dc.creatorChou, Chien Hungen_US
dc.description.abstract西元2014年3月16日原屬於烏克蘭的克里米亞自治共和國舉行了全民公投, 其最終的結果,超過九成的選民贊同加入俄羅斯聯邦。就筆者從俄羅斯相關的外交政策觀察中發現,兼併克里米亞的積極性與主動性原因不僅僅只是為了領土的增加,更多的考量是在於地緣利益的維持與獲得。因此本文將從地緣政治的觀點切入,企圖了解克里米亞半島對於俄羅斯的地緣重要性為何?俄羅斯在2014年克里米亞事件中所扮演的角色?收回克里米亞後對於俄羅斯的地緣政治產生何種影響?\n\n 收回克里米亞的迫切性起因在於2013年底烏克蘭親歐盟示威,俄羅斯明顯感受到來自於歐盟和北約不斷地東擴的壓力,因此不得不做出回應,以俄裔人口為居多的克里米亞成為俄羅斯發揮其影響力的首選之地。在2014年克里米亞事件中,俄羅斯的態度和作為符合國際關係中「攻勢現實主義」的圭臬,即強調大國會不斷尋求機會採取攻勢獲取最大權力,俄羅斯的主動出兵和強硬態度便是最好的佐證。\n\n 最後,本文認為2014年克里米亞事件後,即便國際社會普遍撻伐俄羅斯的行為,並祭出經濟制裁懲罰性手段,然而對於自身俄羅斯而言,不僅成功收回克里米亞,還重獲地緣政治利益,可以說是蘇聯解體後,地緣競逐中最大的一場勝利。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOn March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which was one part of Ukraine. The final result was over a 90 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation with an 83.1 percent voter turnout. According to the author’s observation on some related foreign policy of Russia, the cause of the initiative and motivation of annexing Crimea is not only increasing its territory but also retaining and obtaining its geopolitical benefit. Therefore, this paper will focus on the concept of geopolitics to understand what Crimea is, why it matters, which role does Russia play during the Crimean crisis of 2014, and what will be the influence after Russia’s annexation of Crimea. \n\n In the end of 2013, Euromaidan in Ukraine was the main reason for Russia to take back Crimea urgently. Due to the expansion of EU and NATO to post-soviet countries, Russia had no choice but to react to the threat. Consequently, Russia tried to make a great impact on the status of Crimea, where ethnic Russians are dominant. In the event of the Crimean crisis of 2014, Russia’s attitude and behavior were in accordance with the principle of “Offensive Realism”, that is to say the great power emphasized on a non-stop way in search of opportunities in order to obtain the maximum authority, and Russia spontaneously sent military troops with a solid attitude to handle the situation as the best proof of evidence.\n\n Finally, the study shows that after the Crimean crisis of 2014, even though lots of countries in international community blamed it on Russia, and imposed economic sanctions on Russia for its illegal annexation of Crimea, Russia has successfully retaken Crimea and regained the geopolitical advantage. It was the biggest victory of the geopolitical competition since the Soviet Union collapsed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 文獻回顧 6\n第三節 研究途徑與方法 11\n第四節 研究範圍與限制 18\n第五節 章節安排 21\n第二章 克里米亞對於俄羅斯地緣政治重要性 22\n第一節 帝俄時期的克里米亞 24\n第二節 蘇聯時期的克里米亞 29\n第三節 後共時期的克里米亞 34\n第四節 小結 37\n第三章 2014年克里米亞事件分析 39\n第一節 克里米亞公投的起因 41\n第二節 俄羅斯在克里米亞事件中的角色 50\n第三節 國內與國際社會的態度與反應 54\n第四節 小結 63\n第四章 克里米亞事件後之影響 64\n第一節 俄羅斯的地緣戰略變化 66\n第二節 俄羅斯的外交政策發展 73\n第三節 俄羅斯—烏克蘭—歐盟三角關係之變化 81\n第四節 小結 85\n第五章 結論 86\n參考文獻 92zh_TW
dc.format.extent2872791 bytes-
dc.subjectforeign policyen_US
dc.subjectoffensive realismen_US
dc.titleRussia`s Annexation of Crimea: A Geopolitical Perspectiveen_US
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