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題名: 普丁時期俄羅斯傳統價值復甦之研究
A Study on the Resurrection of Traditional Russian Values in the Putin Era
作者: 周奕安
Chou, Yi An
貢獻者: 林永芳
Lin, Yung Fang
Chou, Yi An
關鍵詞: 俄羅斯傳統價值
Russian traditional values
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 4-Jan-2017
摘要: 本研究以普丁於2012年後所提出之「傳統價值」──東正教、愛國主義與中央集權為出發,在其談話與文件為基礎上,以文獻分析法分析自2000年以後普丁執政以來之傳統價值意涵。並以歷史研究方法分析,其所提出的傳統價值在俄羅斯歷史上的意義與形成模式,以及在俄羅斯歷史上的作用,並藉此比較傳統價值在普丁執政期間的復甦現象,以及探討其意欲復甦傳統價值的原因、目的與政策執行。
This study focuses on the emphasis on traditional balues by Vladimir Putin since 2012. Various documents including speeches by Putin since he first took presidency in 2000 are analyzed to decode the true meaning of what the Russian leader considers as the traditional values of Russia. The study explores the evolutions of Orthodoxy, patriotism and government centralization in the history of Russia, compares them with the modern definition of traditional values today, and by analyzing how Putin proactively formulates his policies to resurrect these traditional values, the study attempts to explain the reason and intention of Putin’s such policies.
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