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題名: 高中女生手機相片後製實踐:以Instagram為例
Taiwan High School Girls’ Practices of Re-framing Photos by Smartphone on Instagram
作者: 蘇柔郡
Su, Jou-Chun
貢獻者: 吳筱玫
Wu, Hsiao Mei
Su, Jou-Chun
關鍵詞: 攝影
Affordance theory
Art world
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 8-二月-2017
摘要: 攝影問世以來,所帶來的影響與文化一直都是人們研究的對象,數位時代後,攝影的樣貌更是大幅改變。隨著智慧型手機的普及,以及各式後製app的興起,分享後製過照片至社群平台成為人們日常生活的常態;在廣受年輕人歡迎的Instagram上,也可看見許多精心後製、特別設計過的相片。本研究探討當今高中女生如何使用app處理手機相片,並發佈於Instagram上展現個人與集體的美感與風格,並進一步了解攝影於她們的意義。\n\n本研究將以符擔性理論(Affordance Theory)作為切入點,透過深入訪談法與實物分析法,了解高中女生後製照片的實踐想法與過程,並持續追蹤、觀察高中女生Instagram上照片風格的呈現及變化。透過兩種研究方法,以更深入理解高中女生對待相片的心態。\n\n研究發現,智慧型手機與Instagram等科技提供了多種符擔性,高中女生與科技互動,並依不同的需求感知到不同的符擔性,並據此做出不同的行為特性;同時,她們也因應自己所需,翻轉科技符擔性的限制,呈現了更多樣的實踐與互動可能。而在現實與虛擬社群中,她們的創意相片也共享了基本的設計原則,創造出屬於她們自己的藝術世界,並重新召喚了靈光再現。
Since the time of its emergence, the effects that photography has had on culture has been studied by countless people. When it comes to the face of photography, the digitalization era changed it dramatically. The ubiquitousness of smartphones and rise of phone-editing applications has also made sharing apped photos to become part of our daily routines. On the photo-sharing app known as Instagram, the most popular site among teenagers, many well-crafted and expressive images can be found. This study aimed at exploring how Taiwanese high school girls use apps to manipulate their photos, and share these photos on Instagram, in order to demonstrate their personally creative and collective aesthetics. \n \nThis research was based on the Affordance Theory and contained two methods: in-depth interviews and methods of practical analysis in order to gain a deeper understanding of high school girls’ attitudes toward photography. \n \nThe study displayed that smartphones and Instagram provide a variety of affordances. Through interactaction with technology, high school girls perceive different affordances based on their own demands. They also interpret the limits of affordances, and thus do more or less designing practice on their photos, depending on their needs. The creativity of high school girls’ images share basic design principles which enable them to create their own art world and a specific aura with their photos.
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