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題名: 臺灣兵役制度改革之研析
A study of military service refrom in Taiwan
作者: 胡書蓉
Hu, Su-Jung
貢獻者: 姜家雄
Alex, Chiang
Hu, Su-Jung
關鍵詞: 徵兵制
Voluntary enlistment
Mlilitary service refrom
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 1-Mar-2017
摘要: This study sought to examine those factors that make voluntary enlistment feasible among most advanced industrial countries nowadays. Also aims to find out actors that lead Taiwan to follow the global trend to change from conscription to voluntary enlistment, the intention behind such a policy, challenges or problems has occurred or might emerge in the future, and how to deal with them. In order to answer the questions, this study used literature analysis and comparative method to collect related materials to analyze global trend and development of military service, make comparison of different types of military service systems and study policies of Taiwanese military service and reform in detail. Analysis of this study shows that on the way of changing from conscription to voluntary enlistment, Taiwan faces several limitations such as low recruitment rates of professional soldiers, poor military discipline, a lack of public interests,\nrigid legal regulations, threats to national security, insufficient supporting programs, uneven distribution of military spending and workloads. This study comes up with some policy suggestions such as the government should raise social status of the military and public trust in the military,prolong service length of four-months military training, improve supporting programs and welfare of voluntary enlistment, improve balanced allocation of national defense spending on military personnel and\nweapons, adjust patterns of military training to improve specialization in the military, and evenly distribute the number of soldiers supply (according to college calendar) to smoothly realize military service reform in Taiwan.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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