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題名: 病入高原
"Disease" in City L
作者: 張岸
Zhang, An
貢獻者: 郭力昕
Zhang, An
關鍵詞: 精神病院
Mental hospital
Documentary photography
Traditional medicine
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 5-Apr-2017
摘要: 本創作分為兩條主軸,一條為攝影作品集取向的攝影製作,另一條為研究結果取向的創作論述與田野研究。兩者在內容呈現上互為輔佐,在方法上互相補充。筆者通過在雲南L市的紀實攝影與相關闡釋,為閱聽人提供一副較為真實的精神病患的生存圖景。\n在X精神病院中的醫護人員與病人之間的確存在著巨大的權力落差,其中權力的運作方式基本符合Foucault的描述:與空間緊密的結合。病區中的規章制度與大大小小的日常活動依依顯示出醫護人員對病人的控制。醫生在診斷與治療的過程中並未完全依循西方醫學,而是加入了地方知識。病人也在個體層面上有著微小的反抗,雖然有效,但也未破壞醫院秩序的正常運轉。\n而在LJ村拍攝的民族誌影片中,顯示出了村中年輕人與老一輩在地方文化傳承上的斷裂。相較於民俗治療儀式,他們更願意相信西方醫療體系,更加傾向於去現代醫院中進行診斷與治療。
This paper is mainly based on two guidelines: the photography creation aiming at photo collection, and the discussion and field research for research achievements. Theses two guidelines work as supplement for each other. Through the record by photography and related discussion in L City, Yunnan, I hope that the real current situation for mental patients could be showed to readers.\nIndeed, there is a great “power gap” between the staff and patients in psychiatric hospital, in which the way the staff use their power almost complies with Foucault’s description: “Space, Knowledge and Power”. All the rules and daily activities in the area indicate the control of the staff to patients in different degree. The doctors don’t completely rely on western medical for healing, instead they add traditional knowledge, for which patients sometimes make small fight for. Although these small fights are effective, they don’t make effect on the normal operation of the hospital.\nIn terms of the ethnography film recorded in L Village, it indicates a disruption between the young and the old on the inheritance for traditional culture. The young generation is more likely to choose modern hospital for disease, rather than relying on traditional method.
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資料類型: thesis
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