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dc.contributor.advisorChang, Yuhmiinen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yihangen_US
dc.creatorChen, Yihangen_US
dc.description.abstractNative advertising has emerged both as an exciting new way for digital marketers to engage with the consumer, and as a new source of advertising revenue for social media. In the China market, news feed ad, a major type of native advertising, has been very popular in WeChat and Weibo since 2012. Visually the native advertisement in these two social media seem pretty similar, but they have enough differences to make them different, particularly in the differences of likers and the number of likes on advertisement.\nUsing the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) adopted by Harkins and Petty, this study focus on WeChat and Weibo and try to clarify the differences of consumer’s information processing, brand attitude and purchase intention between these two social media, which has various social tie strength. Adopting an laboratory experimentation, a total of 60 samples, participated in this study during January, 2017.\nFinding of this study show the differences of brand attitude and purchase intention towards news feed ad when subjects are exposed to WeChat between Weibo. In WeChat, message credibility indicate more significant influence on the brand attitude and purchase intention towards native advertisement rather than perceived number of likes. Oppositely perceived number of likes positively influence on purchase intention towards native advertisement in Weibo.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與價值 6\n第二章 文獻探討 8\n第一節 原生廣告的前世今生 8\n第二節 WeChat vs. Weibo:社交連結強度與廣告訊息涉入度 11\n第三節 WeChat:廣告訊息可信度、品牌態度與購買意願 15\n第四節 Weibo:感知按讚數量、品牌態度與購買意願 17\n第三章 研究方法 18\n第一節 研究架構 18\n第二節 實驗設計 19\n第三節 實驗刺激物設計 19\n第四節 前測 24\n第五節 正式實驗 32\n第四章 研究結果與分析 38\n第一節 受試者輪廓 38\n第二節 量表信效度分析 39\n第三節 操弄檢定 40\n第四節 假設驗證 42\n第五章 結論與討論 51\n第一節 研究發現與討論 51\n第二節 研究貢獻 55\n第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 57\n參考文獻 59\n一、中文書目 59\n二、英文書目 59\n三、網路資料 64\n附錄 66\n附錄一:第一次前測問卷 66\n附錄二:第二次前測問卷 67\n附錄三:正式實驗物 73\n附錄四:正式實驗問卷 75zh_TW
dc.format.extent2247184 bytes-
dc.subjectSocial Mediaen_US
dc.subjectNews Feed Aden_US
dc.subjectMessage Involvementen_US
dc.subjectMessage Credibilityen_US
dc.subjectPerceived Number of Likesen_US
dc.titleA research of news feed ads effect between WeChat and Weibo: based on Elaboration Likelihood Modelen_US
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