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題名: 台北縣地方派系與黑道互動模式之研究
其他題名: An Analysis to the Interactive Pattern of Political Factions and Gangsters in Taipei County
作者: 高永光
關鍵詞: 台北縣;地方派系;黑道;地方政治;侍從主義
Taipei County ; local faction ; gangster ; local politcs ; clientism
日期: May-2004
上傳時間: 28-Nov-2008
摘要: 本研究係從質化與量化兩種方式,進行台北縣地方派系與黑道的互動關係研究。從質化 分析來看,台北縣的黑道幫派與地方派系之間確實存在著恩庇侍從關係。黑道幫派與地方派系不僅平常就從事生意上的結合,選舉時更是候選人在買票拉票、綁樁及 固票的重要助手。但是,地方派系與黑道幫派之間的結合,兩者並非二而一,一而二的綜合體。台灣地方政治的主體仍是一般政治人物,不是黑道。其次,從量化分 析中,也可以看出黑道與得票率之間的顯著相關,足以再次證明黑金政治的嚴重性。但是,從派系、政黨與黑道三者和得票率之間不具顯著相關來看,某些特定政黨 和地方派系,不必然會為黑道參選有加分效果;同樣地,黑道所以能當選,借助的是幫派份子的力量,顯然政黨和派系對他們也不能產生加分效果。從量化研究上來 看,政黨和派系如果願意和黑道幫派劃清鴻滿,對一己之政治實力,影響應該不會很大。
It is generally believed that some political factions are patrons to gangsters in Taiwan`s local politics. In order to investigate this proposition we chose Taipei County as a case study. We define the gangsters are those who were convicted by the Preventive Provisions Against Organized Crimes. There are 1 4 this sort of persons right now in Taipei and Tauyuan jails. We have interviewed with all these gangsters. Complementarily, we also have interviewed with 8 police officials whose major duty is responsible to gang affairs. Moreover, we have interviewed with other 19 people, mostly who are politicians in Taipei country. The informants, especially gang criminals, confirm that within the campaigning, they help to do vote-buying, mobilize voters and consolidate voters` supports for some certain candidates. More importantly, some of these candidates are politicians in local factions. But, politicians in any local faction might be gangsters; local political factions are never gangs. Local faction and gang are not the head and tail of a coin. Therefore, the determinant of Taipei County po...
關聯: 選舉研究, 11(1), 33-72
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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