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題名: 電動機車商業模式之經濟效益分析:共享經濟vs.電池租賃
Economic benefit analysis of business models for the electric scooter: sharing economy vs. battery rental
作者: 游晨廷
Yu, Chen Ting
貢獻者: 許志義
Yu, Chen Ting
關鍵詞: 電動機車
Electric scooters
Battery rental business model
Sharing economy
Net present value
Benefit-cost ratio
Carbon price
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 11-Jul-2017
摘要: 近年來,電動車與電動機車發展及應用儼然已成為世界潮流,在機車密度極高且擁有「機車王國」稱號的台灣,電動機車技術日新月異,也發展出多樣化商業模式,其中最著名莫過於電動機車電池租賃商業模式,以及共享商業模式。\n本研究旨在利用成本效益分析中的淨現值法及益本比法,模擬分析機車使用者以電動機車代替傳統燃油機車,為使用者自己及整體社會帶來之淨現值。在電動機車方面,本研究分析兩種電動機車商業模式,分別為「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」及「共享電動機車商業模式」。\n本研究結果顯示,在使用者立場下,目前電動機車成本依舊大於傳統125C.C.燃油機車之成本,且「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較長之使用者,而「共享電動機車商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較短之使用者。此外,敏感度分析顯示出,在「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」下,騎乘里程長度與NPV及BCR均呈現正相關。在「共享電動機車商業模式」下,每個月騎乘里程為100公里之使用者,在共享電動機車計價方式為每分鐘2.25元之方案下,使用者之NPV>0及BCR>1,並且騎乘里程越短之使用者,其對共享電動機車計價變動的益本比敏感程度越高(當價格下降時,益本比上升較高)。\n最後,在整體社會立場下,利用「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越高之使用者,對整體社會帶來之淨現值越高。而利用「共享電動機車商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越低之使用者,越具有經濟效益。
In recent years, the development and application of electric vehicles and electric scooters have become popuplar. In Taiwan, where scooter density is very high and is also called a "scooter kingdom", electric scooter technology is not only improving, but also developing a diversified business model. Particularly, two of the most famous business models are “Electric scooter battery rental business model” and “Sharing electric scooter business model”.\nThe purpose of this study is to use the net present value method and the benefit ratio method in the cost-benefit analysis. We analysis the user`s own benefits and the overall social net benefits which are generated from the scooter users replacing traditional fuel scooter with electric scooter. In the field of electric scooters, this study analyzes two business models of electric scooters, “Electric scooter battery rental business model” and “Sharing electric scooter business model”.\nAccording to the simulation result of empirical analysis, for the users, the current cost of electric scooters is still higher than the cost of traditional 125C.C. fuel scooters. “Electric scooter battery rental business model” is more suitable for people who have higher accumulated distance per month, and “Sharing electric scooter business model” is more suitable for people who have lower accumulated distance per month . On the other hand, according to the result of sensitivity analysis, the accumulated distance is positively correlated with NPV and BCR in the “Electric scooter battery rental business model”. In the “Sharing electric scooter business model”, those who ride 100 km per month have NPV> 0 and BCR> 1 in the pricing of NT$2.25 per minute. Besides, those who ride 100 km per month have higher sensitivity of pricing.\nFor the overall society, those who use the "Electric scooter battery rental business model" to replace the traditional fuel scooter and have higher accumulated distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole society. Those who use the "Sharing electric scooter business model" to replace the traditional fuel scooter and have lower accumulated distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole society.
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