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題名: 尼加拉瓜外交政策及其與中華民國關係
Nicaragua`s foreign policy and its relations with the Republic of China
作者: 潘亞甯
Fernández, Ana Paola
貢獻者: 盧業中
Lu, Yeh-Chung
Ana Paola Fernández
關鍵詞: 外交政策
Foreign policy
Bilateral ties
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 11-Jul-2017
摘要: 就促進國家發展而言,外交政策扮演了相當重要的角色,從其中亦可以看出一個國家的目標及其領導風格。對於開發中國家來說,更是如此。事實上,由於大部分的相關研究都著重在已開發國家,如:阿根廷、巴西或是智利,因此有關拉丁美洲國家的研究是尚待探索的領域之一。在此研究中,將分析尼加拉瓜的外交政策、從決策的角度去解釋中華民國對尼加拉瓜總統丹尼爾.奧爾特加的外交政策的重要性、並檢視在時間的推移下,尼加拉瓜對這個亞洲國家的政治認知為何。因此,在研究中對有關下列議題的三個關鍵因素做了說明,分別是:尼加拉瓜外交政策的決策動機、對其自視為受美帝國主義壓迫下的國家之發展過程與被認為是一社會主義、基督教與其連帶的國家誓言要減少貧窮、並促進其經濟發展。讀者或許會對其中有些因素感到驚訝,因為他們從沒想過這些因素對一個國家的外交政策而言,是如此重要。綜上所述,本研究將就尼加拉瓜與臺灣之間的政治和社經關係做一檢視。亦包括尼加拉瓜跟中華民國的來往與其雙邊關係的動力之內容。確切的說,本研究在實現更明確的政治路徑上作一革新,而同樣地,關於尼加拉瓜總統丹尼爾.奧爾特加重新掌權後的外交政策實行機制,亦作出清楚的說明。
Foreign policy’s role in promoting a country’s development is a matter of greater importance for understanding its national goals and leadership style, and even more so in the case of developing countries. Indeed, the study of these nations in Latin America is one of the areas under-explored, because the majority of research are just focusing on more developed countries, such as Argentina, Brazil or Chile. In this research, it is proposed an assessment to analyze Nicaragua’s foreign policy, evoking the notion of decision making, to explain the importance of the Republic of China for Commander Daniel Ortega’s foreign policy and identify the political perception towards this Asian nation over time. Hence, it explains the three key factors that incentive Nicaragua’s foreign policy decision-making, tracing its evolution from seeing itself as an oppressed country by the U.S. imperialism, to identifying as a socialist, Christian and solidarity nation committed to reduce poverty and promote economic development. Some of these factors may surprise the readers, who may not have thought it to be crucial elements of the country’s foreign policy. Given that, this research examines the political and socio-economic relations between Nicaragua and Taiwan, therefore it provides the context for looking at Nicaragua’s engagement with the ROC and the driven force of their bilateral ties. Actually, this thesis innovates in allowing a clearer political path and similarly, general implementation mechanisms about Nicaragua foreign affairs since President Ortega’s return to power.
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