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dc.contributor.advisorGuo, Qiu Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Ping Chinen_US
dc.creatorWang, Ping Chinen_US
dc.description.abstract首爾色為首爾市政府為解決市容凌亂與用色衝突的問題,所提出來的一套色彩標準化政策。在獲選為世界設計之都後,首爾開始進行名為設計首爾的一連串城市改造計畫,而首爾色正是設計首爾中,首爾象徵體系計畫的其中一項計畫。為了提升城市的一致性,首爾色計畫在首爾的自然環境、人工環境、人文環境等三個領域裡,找出具有首爾城市要素的9800種圖片,透過細膩的色彩分析,歸納整理出250種顏色。250種顏色裡再依據其出現的頻率與其所具備的意義,整合為50種代表首爾的「首爾地區色」。最後再從這50種顏色裡,找出具有傳統文化,以及巧妙融入於市民意識裡的10種「首爾代表色」,藉由色彩的巧妙運用,讓首爾的面貌更加和諧並具有整體一致性。\n 市政府邀請專家學者搜集整理出現於首爾城市角落內的色彩,透過系統性的分析與整理,挑選出首爾內所出現的主要色彩,再透過市民的票選,從這些主要的色彩當中選出市民心目中最屬於首爾的顏色。由此可見首爾成功地運用傳統的文化,塑造並傳達出新的首爾印象,透過既有的文化元素,重新打造出新的文化產物。\n 本論文藉由對於首爾色的選定方式與色彩呈現方式的探討,希望能夠檢視韓國首爾如何運用色彩的力量,融合過去傳統的文化涵養,並將其實際應用於現代生活之中,藉以推動城市形象的轉換,同時傳達首爾是個兼具傳統文化與自然風光的現代城市。首先將會針對韓國的傳統色彩進行深入探討,了解韓國人的傳統色彩運用觀念,以及這些觀念背後蘊含著什麼樣的文化內涵。同時也將透過首爾色的選拔與進行過程,來檢視分析首爾色中所呈現出來的色彩,並了解其如何將環境與文化等元素一起融入顏色之中,探討首爾市如何透過色彩達到轉變。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, it has been found in Seoul that the appearance of the city was messy and in disorder, resulting in aesthetic problems like conflicts of color usage. To solve these problems, the City Government proposed a policy on city color using named “Seoul Color”. As a city of World Design Capital, the government started off on the journey of city reconstruction. Among the sequence of renovation plans, Seoul Colors plays a critical role in Seoul’s Symbols. To enhance the coherency of cityscape, the government focused on natural environment, artificial environment, and cultural environment. 9800 images having strong relation to the city was found during the research. With detailed color analyses, 250 colors were consequently summarized. Next, in light of their frequency of use and meaning to human, 50 colors out of 250 were assigned to “District Colors of Seoul”. Following this, 10 colors out of 50 were designated as “Representative Colors of Seoul” owing to achievement of consensus and their symbols in traditional culture. \n The government asked chromatologists to conduct experiment to collate the colors in the city. Via systematic analyses, commonly-seen colors of the city rose above. A public opinion poll was then held to let citizens of Seoul have their own representatives. In doing so, Seoul successfully conveyed the new perception of Seoul and yielded innovative results with its indigenous culture. \n This dissertation primarily focuses on the criteria of qualification and demonstration methods of Seoul Colors. The study is beneficial to understanding how Seoul made good use of color, and is good for realization of practical applications in our daily lives. First, traditional colors of Seoul were thoroughly investigated to figure out how Koreans use colors and what these colors symbolize in the society. Second, selection of Seoul Colors was studied to understand how Seoul linked up the colors with environment and culture.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. 緒論 1 \n1. 研究動機與研究目的 1 \n1.1 研究動機 1 \n1.2 研究目的 3 \n2. 研究範圍與研究方法 5 \n2.1 研究範圍與限制 5 \n2.2 研究方法 6 \n3. 研究架構與研究流程 9 \n3.1研究架構 9 \n3.2 研究流程 11 \n4. 文獻回顧與先行研究 12 \nII. 韓國的傳統色彩與文化 17 \n1. 韓國人的色彩觀 17 \n1.1 白色崇拜理念 18 \n1.2 陰陽五行思想 20 \n2. 韓國傳統色彩與文化含義 26 \n2.1 無彩色系顏色 26 \n2.2 紅色系顏色 27 \n2.3 黃色系顏色 27 \n2.4 青色系顏色 28 \n2.5 紫色系顏色 28 \n3. 韓國傳統色彩的生活表現 29\n3.1 食的傳統色彩的表現方式 29 \n3.2 衣的傳統色彩的表現方式 34 \n3.3 住的傳統色彩的表現方式 37\n4. 小結 41 \nIII. 傳統色彩運用實例:首爾色 42 \n1. 首爾色的由來 43 \n1.1 世界設計之都的起源 43 \n1.2 設計首爾背景 45 \n1.3 首爾色的制定意義 46 \n1.4 首爾色制定方法 47 \n2. 首爾色介紹與應用範例 54 \n2.1 首爾風景色 55 \n2.2 首爾地區色 56 \n2.3 首爾代表色 57 \n2.4 首爾色應用範例 64 \n3. 首爾色的色彩特色 68 \n3.1 首爾色中的首爾景觀分析 69 \n3.2 首爾色中的韓國傳統色彩分析 73 \n3.3 首爾色中的文化含義 78 \n4. 小結 83 \nIV. 結論 85\n[參考文獻] 89zh_TW
dc.subjectWorld design capital (WDC)en_US
dc.subjectDesign Seoulen_US
dc.subjectKorean traditional colorsen_US
dc.subjectSeoul Colorsen_US
dc.titleA study on Korean traditional colors - focused on Seoul Colorsen_US
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