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題名: 圖像敘事與數位應用程式之結合應用於面對面人際互動之促進-【話毛畫】創作論述
The integration of illustration and digital application as an aid for face-to-face interpersonal interactions: the creation and discussion of Picturetelling
作者: 陳曉慧
Chan, Xiao Hui
貢獻者: 林玲遠<br>李蔡彥
Chan, Xiao Hui
關鍵詞: 圖像敘事
Interpersonal interactions
Digital apllication
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 31-七月-2017
摘要: 隨著科技的發展,網路互動機制多元而便捷,許多情況下面對面溝通似乎不再那麼必要,透過網路遠距互動儼然成為現代人主要的溝通方式,一方面使我們忽略了面對面深度交流在強化人際連結的重要性,另方面也使現今的人們在面對面交流的場合常感笨拙。本研究希望設計一款圖像卡牌敘事問答遊戲,以此為中介,可以減緩面對面交流時的不安,讓面對面交流更有機會達到自我揭露與深度互動的效果;此外,數位工具一向被運用來虛擬化我們的生活經驗,但本研究希望發掘數位工具強化實質生活經驗的可能性,並用以優化面對面交流的體驗。欲達此目的,首先需探討圖像卡牌的設計原則。本研究認為圖像卡牌要作為面對面交流的中介,可以設想為一種主觀感受的投射媒介,能誘發觀者的主觀聯想,並提供彈性的詮釋空間,如此一來,圖像內容本身應具有「多義性」。「多義性」的圖像卡牌可透過「象徵」創造與觀者之間的意義連結,並利用「變形」提供觀者較為廣闊的主觀詮釋空間以定義內容的含義。此外,在遊戲機制的設計上,應著重於拉開玩家與現實的距離,使參與之玩家可以一種較為舒適且有安全感的方式進行深度交流。本研究結果除了整理相關論述,發展設計概念,也實際開發出此遊戲在行動載具上的數位應用程式。
As technology develops, people have increasingly relied on the Internet as the main way for interpersonal interaction, neglecting the much more fundamental and direct way – face-to-face personal interaction. This project aims to create an illustration card game that would facilitate the self-revealing and mutual understanding in face-to-face communication. In order to achieve this goal, the study explores the principles for designing the illustrated card. It is suggested that the content of the illustrated card should be polysemous to induce the association of personal situation in viewers, and to provide possibility for diverse interpretations. In a polysemous illustrated card, the employment of symbols would help to create connections between viewers and the illustrated cards, and the strategy of transformation would loose up the interpretation of meanings. The rules of the game are also important. A well-designed set of rules give opportunity for the players to distance the reality, therefore make the players feel more comfortable and secure to reveal themselves. The result of the study includes an account of relevant theory, the creation of illustrated cards, and the production of a digital application for the card game.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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