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dc.contributor.authorSu, Hsiu Minen_US
dc.creatorSu, Hsiu Minen_US
dc.description.abstractThe food industry and food supply system have a huge change during the development of Taiwan. These changes have affected the policy of food safety, shifting the focus of food safety policy in different periods. At the beginning, under the policy of restore the infrastructures and public facilities. Taiwan government focused on the “hygiene” of food. After the economic development, the improvement of living standard, the rise of consumer awareness and the transformation of food industry, food safety policy shifted the focus from “hygiene” to the “safety” brought by the pollution from development. Joining the WTO, the food industry becomes more international. In the new technology and the complex of food sources, food safety policy added the concept of “risk”. This study adopts Gidden’s structuration theory to explore the change of food safety management system. The food industry has changed the food supply system during the process of industrialization. The change of social structure from the agricultural to modern society also changes the food supply. Food safety management system is the social practice for the actors in the face of the process of food industrialization.This study found that in the food crisis, the people reflect the cognitive ability of the process of food industrialization. Most consumers are lacked of awareness of the production process because they only see the final product. Food industrialization makes the process of “from the stable to the table” becomes both complex and difficult to understand. People worry that not only a certain kind of a certain kind of illegal food additives or non-food material are put into the food production. They are worried about the whole food industry. How much hasn’t been exposed? How much risk do I still need to bear? The core value of food safety is more information and more responsible.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 1\n第二節 研究問題 5\n第二章 理論討論 7\n第一節 食品安全相關研究 7\n第二節 結構化理論(STRUCTURATION THEORY) 11\n第三節 菁英理論 14\n第四節 研究架構 17\n第五節 研究方法 18\n第六節 章節安排 19\n第三章 衛生與安全時期的食品安全(1950~2000) 22\n第一節 國際趨勢 22\n第二節 政府管理走向 29\n第三節 國家主導、產業配合、民眾配合 35\n小結 42\n第四章 全球化風險時期的食品安全(2000~至今) 44\n第一節 國際趨勢 44\n第二節 政府作為 47\n第三節 食品安全管理制度的制定與分析 52\n第四節 食品安全管理制度的問題與爭議 60\n小結 64\n第五章 結論 65\n參考文獻 69zh_TW
dc.format.extent988438 bytes-
dc.titleThe policy change of food safetyen_US
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