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題名: 身心障礙孩童性別、家庭社經地位、家長教養與情緒行為問題之關係研究—以特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫為例
Relationships among gender, family SES, parenting styles, and emotional/behavioral problems of children with special needs : a case of SNELD
作者: 楊育瑄
Yang, Yu Xuan
貢獻者: 邱美秀
Chiu, Mei Shiu
Yang, Yu Xuan
關鍵詞: 身心障礙孩童
Children with special needs
Family socioeconomic status
Parenting styles
Externalizing and internalizing of emotional/behavioral problems
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 10-Aug-2017
摘要: 本研究使用「特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫」2013 年國小三年級第四波家長問\n卷進行分析,探討身心障礙孩童性別、家庭社經地位、家長教養與情緒行為問題\n的關係。\n研究背景和目的:多數研究皆顯示性別、家庭社經地位、家長教養會影響孩\n子的情緒行為,因此,研究者希望藉由此研究,作為及早預防身心障礙孩童情緒\n行為的參考依據。\n研究方法:描述統計、因素分析、多變量變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多\n元迴歸分析。\n研究結果與結論:一、身心障礙孩童男性比女性多1 倍。二、身心障礙孩童\n家庭社經地位多居中偏低。三、身心障礙孩童情緒行為的外化問題男多於女,情\n緒行為的內化問題女多於男。四、家庭社經地位愈低,身心障礙孩童情緒行為的\n外化問題愈多;家庭社經地位愈高,身心障礙孩童情緒行為的內化問題愈多。五、\n家長為民主型教養或權宜型教養,身心障礙孩童情緒行為內、外化問題較少。六、\n家長照顧壓力和身心障礙孩童性別影響身心障礙孩童情緒行為內、外化問題最大。\n據此,本研究提出建議:一、家長可採用民主型教養或權宜型教養,以減輕\n身心障礙孩童的情緒行為內、外化問題。二、家庭社經地位低,身心障礙男童,\n應關心其是否有情緒行為的外化問題;家庭社經地位高,身心障礙女童,應關心\n其是否有情緒行為的內化問題。
The study is to investigate the relationship among gender, family socioeconomic status, parenting styles, and emotional and behavioral problems of children with special needs. The data came from questionnaires filled out by parents of third-grade children with special needs from Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study in 2013.\n\n Background and purpose: Most studies show that gender, family socioeconomic status and parenting styles will affect child’s emotions or behaviors. Therefore, the\nresearcher hope through this study to prevent the emotional and behavioral problems of children with special needs.\n\n Methods: The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, factor analysis,multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple\nregression analysis.\n\n Results and conclusions: 1. The frequency of male children with special needs is twice that of female children with special needs. 2. Children with special needs mostly belong to families with middle and low socioeconomic status. 3. Male children with special needs have higher externalizing of emotional/behavioral problems than female children do and female children have higher internalizing of emotional/behavioral problems than male children do. 4. Children with special needs who belong to families with low socioeconomic status have higher externalizing of emotional/behavioral problems than those who belong to families with high socioeconomic status do ; Children with special needs who belong to families with high socioeconomic status have higher internalizing of emotional/behavioral problems than those who belong to families with low socioeconomic status do. 5. When parents used democratic or authoritative parenting styles, children with special needs have less externalizing and internalizing of emotional/behavioral problems. 6. Parental pressure and gender of children with special needs predict emotional and behavioral problems of children with special needs.\n\n Suggestions: 1. Parents could use democratic or authoritative parenting to reduce the externalizing and internalizing of emotional/behavioral problems. 2. Male\nchildren with special needs who belong to families with low socioeconomic status should concern his externalizing of emotional/behavioral problems; female children with special needs who belong to families with high socioeconomic status should concern her internalizing of emotional/behavioral problems.
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