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題名: 國際間自由貿易協定(FTA)原產地規則之比較-- 兼論反規避對我國產業之影響
The comparison of Free Trade Agreement(FTA) of Rules of Origin - And the influence of anti-circumvention of Taiwan`s industry
作者: 王雯慧
貢獻者: 魏艾
關鍵詞: 自由貿易協定
Free trade agreement
Rule of origin
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 10-Aug-2017
摘要: 在全球化的趨勢下,各國經濟日趨競爭,國際間洽簽自由貿易協定(FTA)已蔚為潮流。在世界各國追求貿易自由化的時代下,FTA之原產地專章及各國對於貨品原產地的認定方法與標準越顯重要。\r\n在各國所洽簽的FTA中,促進「貿易自由化」最重要的內涵則為「貨物通關流程及原產地規則」;在國際貿易實際活動中,用以執行及確認貨品是否能享有減免關稅之優惠待遇方面,「原產地規則」即扮演關鍵性的重要角色,有鑑於此,瞭解國際條約下的原產地協定及各國之原產地規則實有其必要性。\r\n此外,各國對於貿易保護措施中,最常被採用的是採取「反傾銷調查」。我國與中國大陸產業關係密切、地緣位置接近,導致中國大陸被課反傾銷稅的產品,利用我國自由貿易港區貨物自由流通的便利性,將中國大陸被課徵反傾銷稅之貨品,透過我國自由貿易港區轉運輸往其他國家,來規避進口國課徵的反傾銷稅。而進口國如何認定該批貨品是否為規避反傾銷稅之貨品,其關鍵的標準即認定該批貨品的原產地,因此,原產地規則又與反傾銷、反規避措施關係密切。\r\n本論文將透過文獻資料與歐盟等國的相關規定說明反規避制度,瞭解國際間重要協定之原產地規則、觀察FTA原產地規則之未來趨勢、並探討原產地規則與反規避措施的關聯性,以實際案例探究反規避措施對我國產業之影響,進而就反規避措施對臺灣之影響提出建議。
In the trend of globalization, countries among the world are increasingly competitive in the aspect of economic. Consequently, the international agreement to sign the free trade agreement (FTA) has become a trend. \r\nIn the times of trade liberalization in the world, the mark of origin from FTA, the standard and measurement to certify the origin of products, will be even more crucial and important.\r\nIn the FTA signed by all countries, the most important connotation of \"trade liberalization\" is the \"Customs Clearance Procedures and Rules of Origin\". In the actual activities of international trade, it is necessary to implement and confirm whether the goods can enjoy the tariff reduction In the case of preferential treatment, the Rules of Origin are playing a key and important role, and it is necessary to understand the rules of origin under international treaties and the rules of origin of States.\r\nIn addition, the most commonly used measures for trade protection measures are \"anti-dumping investigations\". \r\nSince Taiwan has close ties with mainland China in industrial relations and has a close geographical position, China has made use of the convenience of free trade movement of goods in Taiwan`s free trade port area to avoid anti-dumping duties by purposefully transporting their anti-dumpling goods from Taiwan to other countries.\r\nFor the importing country, to determine whether the goods are purposefully avoiding anti-dumping duties, the key criteria is to determine the origin of the goods. Therefore, the rules of origin and anti-dumping, anti-circumvention measures are closely related.\r\nThis paper will use the referential documents and the relevant provisions of the EU and other countries to explain the anti-circumvention system to understand the rules of origin of important international agreements, and to observe the future trend of FTA rules of origin, and to explore the relationship between the rules of origin and anti-circumvention measures on the impact of Taiwan`s industry. Furthermore, to make recommendations on the impact of anti-dumping measures to our country.
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資料類型: thesis
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