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題名: 習近平主政後中美南海政策之研究
A Study of Sino - American Policy Towards the South China Sea after Xi Jinping `s Reign
作者: 陳忠溪
Chen, Chung Hsi
貢獻者: 朱新民
Chen, Chung Hsi
關鍵詞: 中共南海政策
The CPC South China policy
The United States to return to Asia strategy
The South China Sea sovereignty
South China Sea Jiuduan line
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 10-Aug-2017
摘要: 2013年3月14日,習近平成為中共的最高領導人,不同於前幾代中國大陸領導人,習近平提出了「中國夢」的願景,不僅為主導與型塑著習近平時代中共的對外政策、戰略規劃與全球佈局,且其的內涵伴隨著情勢發展和現實需要不斷的擴充,不僅積極應處周邊關係,穩定亞太地區、妥善處理海權爭議、牽制美國亞太「再平衡」戰略,並向西推進「一帶一路」戰略。\n而在亞太地區被公認為世界經濟發動的火車頭之際,「重返亞洲」則成美國最重要的外交目標。歐巴馬政府重新調整外交政策,強調透過盟友、國際制度、謹慎的外交及道德理想的力量來爭取他人認同美國的目標,藉此促進本身的利益;同時,藉由增加在該地區的政治、經濟和軍事投入,逐漸提升其他國家對於美國的信任,藉此鞏固美國的領導地位。\n美中雙方為何這麼在意在南海區域的發展及權利伸張,美國在仲裁案後特別強調南海是美國「最高國家利益」,而中方也早早就說過南海是中國的「核心利益」,如此是否註定中美兩方必在南海地區發生權力爭奪戲碼,不禁令人要問美、中雙方到底誰才是破壞南海和平或南海秩序的國家?\n南海究竟具備什麼樣的地理特性或其他重要的條件,讓世界的霸權及崛起的強權交集的南海地區,而使這個地區被學者示警南海恐成第3次世界大戰舞臺。
On March 14, 2013, Xi Jinping became the supreme leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Unlike the leaders of the previous generation of mainland China, Xi Jinping put forward the vision of "Chinese Dream", not only for the foreign policy and strategic planning And the global layout, and its connotation along with the development of the situation and the reality needs to continue to expand, not only actively should be peripheral relations, stability in the Asia-Pacific region, properly handle the sea dispute, contain the US Asia-Pacific "rebalancing" strategy, and westward " Along the way "strategy.\nIn the Asia-Pacific region is recognized as the world economy launched the locomotive, the "return to Asia" has become the United States the most important diplomatic goals. The Obama administration has reoriented its foreign policy by emphasizing the goal of the United States through its allies, international regimes, prudent diplomatic and moral ideals, to promote its own interests; by increasing the political, Economic and military investment, and gradually enhance the confidence of other countries for the United States, to consolidate the US leadership.\nWhy the United States and China are concerned about the development of the South China Sea region and the right to extend the United States in the arbitration case, especially stressed that the South China Sea is the United States "the highest national interest", and the Chinese side has long said that the South China Sea is China`s "core interests", so destined China and the United States will be in the South China Sea area of power to compete for drama, can not help but to ask the United States, the two sides in the end who is the destruction of the South China Sea peace or the South China Sea order of the country?\nThe South China Sea has what kind of geographical features or other important conditions, so that the world`s hegemony and the rise of the power of the intersection of the South China Sea region, leaving the region by the students to warn the South China Sea fear of the third World War stage.
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