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題名: 《一路有你》 劇本創作論述
The Film Script and Description of “ The Journey ”
作者: 劉芷彤
Liu, Tsz Tung
貢獻者: 蔡琰
Tsai, Yean
Liu, Tsz Tung
關鍵詞: 劇本
Family member
Parent- child relationship
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 31-八月-2017
摘要: 景氣持續低迷,現代人生活壓力日趨沈重下,罹患憂鬱症的機率也大幅增加。本劇講述發現與自己活在同一屋簷下的親人患上憂鬱症後,其家屬與憂鬱症病患之間會發生什麼樣的衝突,對於未來他們要如何去面對等課題。\n \n 本文包含《一路有你》劇本、創作論述。創作論述中先說明創作背景與動機,並回顧此劇相關資料,包含憂鬱症的成因與症狀,以及親子關係等;其次為劇本結構與人物研究,最後是創作心得與檢討。
“The Journey” is a film script about the family of having a member with depression. \n\n Characters are in a dilemma between their own desire and responsibilities for the family. The story focuses on the stress this family bear and their difficulties in caring for the one with intellectual disability. \n\n This essay includes the script “The Journey”, literature review and appendixes. In the first part, motivation and background of the story is mentioned, after that the literature review on causes and symptoms of depression, and parent-child relationship. Following with script organization and studies on characters, this thesis lastly presents the overview of the script writing. Attached in the appendix is the introduction of related movies and outline plot.
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資料類型: thesis
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