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題名: 中國汽車產業的政治經濟學:國家資本主義的觀點
The political economy of automotive industry in China: aspects of state capitalism
作者: 宋旻哲
Sung, Min Che
貢獻者: 冷則剛
Leng, Tse Kang
Sung, Min Che
關鍵詞: 中央與地方關係
Central-local relationship
State capitalism
Industrial policy
Chinese automotive industry
Dongfeng motor group
Guangzhou automobile group
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 31-Aug-2017
摘要: 上世紀80年代中國產生了許多的變化,在經濟上採取較為開放的態度。汽車產業也在這樣的趨勢下與國外的跨國汽車企業合作,發展自己的汽車製造工業,至今中國已經成為最大的汽車製造國。為了發展汽車產業,中國透過國有企業與跨國企業合作成立許多合資公司,本文所取用的東風汽車集團與廣汽集團旗下都存在許多這樣的子公司。國家透過國有企業作為帶動產業發展的火車頭,但國有企業複雜的所有權問題牽涉中央與地方關係的運作,影響著汽車產業的發展。運用國有企業作為中介制度的同時,中央與地方關係也同時在運作,在長時間的發展下因國企所有權差異而產生的不同發展模型也逐漸變化,最終中國的汽車發展模式趨於類似。在這過程中,國家的影響實際上分做中央與地方同時進行,短期而言似乎看不到到中央的影響力,但就長期而言中央確實引導了中國汽車產業並助其發展。在理論方面,筆者以為中國汽車產業的成長長久以都是在國家資本主義的途徑上進行的,而非是發展型國家或管理型國家的模式。因為中國雖然引進市場經濟相當長的一段時間,但是實際上不管是中央還是地方的手都不曾離開過這個領域,即便是現在中國最主要的汽車生產與銷售仍舊以國有企業為主。
China had has series transitions since 1980s years, and it had adopted open attitude at economical work. In this trend, state owner enterprises cooperated (SOEs) with foreign cross-national enterprises (CNEs) to develop self’s automotive industry. Now, China had become biggest country of automotive produce. For developing automotive industry, it established many companies by Chinese SOEs and foreign CNEs, for example Dongfeng motor group, Guangzhou automobile group. SOE like locomotive that it brings development, but it has problem of property that affect working of central-local relationship. While state utilizes SOE to be intermediary institution, central and local is continually interaction. In long time, ownership led to differently developmental model that was changed that trend to similar model. In fact, national affection is divide two parts: central and local. In short term, we difficultly observe central affection but, in long term, central affection is remake. In theoretically, I argue that Chinese automotive industrial development below to approach of state capitalism and it is not developmental state and regulatory state. China had work market economy but government, central and local, still intervenes domestic market, instead of major firm of Chinese produce and selling is SOEs.
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