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題名: 公務人員工作壓力管理之研究—以臺北國際花博會為例
On job stress management of civil servants-a case study of Taipei International Flora Exposition
作者: 林清陽
貢獻者: 江明修
關鍵詞: 工作壓力
Job stress
Stress management
Three-level prevention and treatment of stress
Job stress management mode with tri-directions and tri-levels
Employee assistance programme
2010 Taipei International Flora Expo
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 31-Aug-2017
摘要: 辦理我國最近一次國際大型活動「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」的公務人員同時面臨了行政、政治、社會輿論及司法等面向之前所未有的壓力,以之做為本研究標的,期望了解員工所面臨的工作壓力、組織及員工對工作壓力的管理,及現有員工協助方案的功能,並將研究結果做為爾後舉辦越來越多大型活動的參考,使活動能圓滿完成。\n 本研究採質性方法,經由對花博會重要活動幹部深度訪談,研究發現及建議如後。\n壹、重要發現\n一、彙整工作壓力管理文獻,建立三向管理三級防治模式:壓力管理一般係對已發生的壓力從調適面向著眼,較少對潛在尚未發生的壓力,從組織管理面向之預防角度切入。如從組織本身所造成的壓力預先防止,從頭做起,才能達到全面管理,並收事半功倍效果。\n二、工作壓力感受:整體工作壓力的感受屬中高等以上程度。影響工作壓力感受的因素,依序為工作性質、專業程度、人格特質、長官態度。\n三、工作壓力來源:依序主要來自長官、社會輿論媒體及議會。\n四、工作壓力反應:以心理反應居多,其次為生理反應,且部分受訪者兼具心理及生理反應,行為上並無影響。\n五、工作壓力調適:問題處理、情緒紓解及尋求支持等方法中,係以情緒紓解最常採用,且係綜合運用,最後解決問題,化解工作壓力。惟均無找員工協助機構幫忙。\n六、受訪者反映:1.組織團體要協助員工做好壓力管理。2.員工要做好自我壓力管理。3.申請「員工協助方案」協談者,所占比率低,員工觀念認為係不得已才會去。\n貳、建議事項\n一、對組織管理工作壓力的建議:\n(一) 工作壓力感受面向:平時注重訓練以增加專業能力,活動時選派合適之專業能力者擔任,適才適所,壓力自然較少。\n (二) 工作壓力來源面向:工作最大壓力源為長官,爰需1.政策及早規劃決定,以免壓縮員工時間,造成時間壓力。2.政策方向應明確,使員工有所遵循。3.長官關懷與支持,免於孤軍作戰。4.跨市縣大型活動需加強協調溝通。\n (三) 橫向協調不足,辦理共識營活動:大型活動參與人數多,橫向分工,聯繫不足,是以,辦理共識營,以建立革命情感。\n (四) 建立妥善訴訟機制,確保無辜公務員權益,以減輕員工壓力。\n(五)建立直接單位主管責任制度,利用平時考核工具,適時予以協助解除壓力。\n二、對員工自我管理工作壓力的建議:\n (一) 來自議會及社會媒體輿論的壓力,採取理直氣平,就事論事,依法行政的態度,不受議員因選舉而宣染醜化所影響。 \n (二) 建立個人非正式管道,爭取社會支持:平時多參加活動,與人往來,建立良好人際關係,互相支援,則工作壓力自然減低。\n三、對員工協助方案的建議\n (一) 加強落實對「員工協助方案」的宣導工作:本研究員工工作壓力屬中高等以上,確有使用需求,而員工認為不得已才會去。因此需加強宣導。\n(二)適時於活動期間安排必修之紓壓課程:由員工協助方案協調訓練機關安排紓壓課程,比照必修訓練課程於活動期間之空檔參加,以適時紓解壓力。
Handling of recent international events, "2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition"( TIFE), civil servants had faced unprecedented job stress from the administrative, political, judicial departments and public opinion. As to the subject of this study, it is desirable to understand the job stress of the staff, organization and staff management of the job stress, and the function of Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).Finally taking the results of the study as the reference of more and more event s held after, so that we can completed following events successfully.\n This study adopted qualitative method, via in-depth interviews of TIFE important activities cadres , findings and recommendations as described later.\nKey Findings\n1.Aggregated job stress management literature, establish the job stress management mode of tri-directions and tri-levels : Stress management department generally have occurred from adjustment for focus, less stress potential has not yet occurred, from prevention-oriented organization and management of the angle. As previously prevented from stress caused by the organization itself, from scratch, in order to achieve the overall management and income multiplier effect.\n2. Job stress experience: the overall feeling of stress in the case of higher degrees or more.Stress factors affect the feelings, in order, is the nature of job, professional level, personality traits, sir attitude.\n3. Job stress sources: sequentially mainly from the Executive, the public media and Parliament.\n4.Job stress reaction: psychological reaction to the majority, followed by physiological responses, and some respondents of both psychological and physiological responses, no effect on behavior.\n5. Job stress adjustment: Among problem solving, emotional relief and seeking support and other methods, the emotional relief is most commonly used, and they are integratedly used, and finally solve the problem, to resolve the job stress . But no staff ask EAP for help.\n6.Respondents reported: 1 organization groups to help employees manage stress well. 2. Employees want to do self stress management. 3. The percentage of employees who apply for the "Employee Assistance Program" is low, and the employee think that it will not be necessary.\nRecommendations\nFirst,stress on the organization and management advice:\n 1. Job stress experience: usually focus on training to increase professional capacity, select the appropriate expertise who served time activities, which had \n just been suitable, less stress on the natural.\n 2. Job stress sources: Job stress sources mostly come from the Executive, so 1.the need for early policy decisions, so as not to reduce staff time, resulting in time pressure. 2. Policy direction should be clear, so that employees can follow. 3. Executive care and support, from solitary operations. 4. Cross-city and county activities need to strengthen coordination and communication.Maximum .\n 3.Lack of horizontal coordination, for consensus camp: a large number of people to participate in activities, horizontal division of labor, lack of contact, is, for consensus camp to build revolutionary emotion.\n 4.Establish a proper litigation mechanism to ensure that the interests of innocent civil servants to relieve their stress.\n5.Unit heads to establish a direct responsibility system, and use the usual assessment tools to assist timely relieve stress.\nSecond, Self-management employees job stress recommendations:\n1. Regarding of social media stress from Parliament and public opinion, to take rational attitude, to discuss affairs, to enforce according to law, not affected by the elections and the political parties.\n 2. Create a personal informal channels for social support: usually taking part in activities to establish good interpersonal relationships, mutual support, the job stress naturally decreases. \nThird, Regarding of Employee Assistance Programme\n 1.To strengthen the implementation of the "Employee Assistance Programme" of advocacy job: The research displays staff job stress is above the avreage, but staff think that it will not be necessary to consult. Hence there is the need to strengthen advocacy.\n2. The timing compulsory courses during the event: Employee assistance programme coordinated by the agency authority to arrange training courses to relieve stress, and holding compulsory training courses during the event ,so that the stress could be timely eased.
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資料類型: thesis
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