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dc.contributor.advisorLiu, Huiwenen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Pinghsinen_US
dc.creatorWu, Pinghsinen_US
dc.description.abstract由於許多企業對於LINE在號召年輕族群的能力寄與厚望,為了釐清目前企業對於評估LINE與操作LINE的策略是否合乎年輕族群的需求,本研究將聚焦於討論最早採用LINE的企業期待透過LINE進行品牌年輕化的歷程,以企業的實戰經驗切入,剖析早期採用LINE的企業進行品牌年輕化歷程與操作策略,同時透過釐清年輕族群對於使用LINE的經驗與需求兩相對照,試圖釐清目前企業使用LINE進行品牌年輕化的做法是否正確?是否有迷思存在的可能性?若因迷思存在而造成經營策略上的偏差,企業未來該如何修正與優化?\n 由於意會本質上是人們對事務的主觀認知,並且是一個持續性的流程,是一種複雜且動態的觀念,因此將採用深度訪談法針對企業的相關部門成員進行歷程的研究。為呈現企業內部與外在社會環境相關的完整脈絡,本研究也會輔以消費者訪談、文獻資料法與二手資料法作為資訊搜集與驗證成效的方式。研究結果發現,個案對於透過LINE推動品牌年輕化的歷程上,確實存有許多囿於過往經驗或組織文化所形成的主觀認知,導致其對於新科技的理解與其目標族群的需求有所落差。研究結果也顯示,LINE確實能為企業接觸到年輕族群,但需要提供他們所需要的服務和資訊,才能爭取他們對品牌的認同和好感,同時與年輕族群的互動形式,相較於過往的單向式傳播,也必須因應LINE的科技特質有所調整。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs many enterprises place great expectations in LINE’s ability to call out the youth, in order to find out whether the enterprises’ strategies in assessment and operation on LINE meeting the demand of the youth, this research looks into the experience of the first runner enterprises that promote brand rejuvenation with LINE. By introducing the real-world experience of the enterprise, this research analyzes the journey and operation strategies of rejuvenating brands by using LINE in early years. Meanwhile, by comparing the experiences and demand of using LINE among the youth, this research aims at whether the methods of rejuvenating brands by using LINE are satisfying. Does the myth really exist? If the myth does exist and bring diversified business strategies, how can the enterprises revise and improve their strategies in the future?\n\nSince sense making is people’s subjective perception of affairs by nature and it is both a persistent process and a complicated and dynamic concept, this research focuses on the experience from members of relevant departments of the enterprise by in-depth interview. To present the context of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, this research also utilizes consumer interview, documents, and literature as the main data sourses and effectiveness verification. The research results show that cases do have many subject perceptions generated from previous confined experience or organizational culture in the course of LINE’s promotion of brand rejuvenation, which gives rise to difference between the understanding of new technology and the demand of target groups. The research results also show that LINE really enables the enterprise to access to the young people, but provision of their necessary service and information is required to get their recognition and good impression of the brand. Meanwhile, the means of interaction with the youth must be adjusted according to LINE’s technological nature comparing with previous single-direction dissemination.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章 緒論 1 \n第一節 研究背景 1 \n第二節 研究動機 3\n第三節 研究目的與預期成效 17 \n第貳章 文獻探討與回顧 18\n第一節 品牌老化成因、品牌年輕化的定義與做法 18\n第二節 LINE與品牌年輕化可能的關聯性 23\n第三節 如何理解企業透過新科技創新的歷程? 26\n第參章 研究架構與研究方法 49\n第一節 研究方法 49\n第二節 研究對象 52\n第三節 研究分析架構 57\n第四節 資料收集與分析方式 59\n第肆章 研究發現 66\n第一節 個案以LINE進行品牌年輕化的科技意會歷程 66\n第二節 年輕族群對於LINE的科技意會歷程 88\n第三節 個案在科技意會歷程中所產生的迷思 99\n第伍章 研究結論與建議 103\n第一節 科技意會的理論意涵 103\n第二節 企業透過LINE進行品牌年輕化的實務啟發 104\n第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 107\n參考文獻 110\n\n表目錄\n表 1-1 知名品牌經營LINE官方帳號經驗分享整理 4\n表 1-2 百貨量販通路經營LINE官方帳號經驗分享整理 7\n表 1-3 電子商務經營LINE官方帳號經驗分享整理 9\n表 1-4 LINE的相關研究整理 13\n表 3-1 個案受訪者列表 61\n表 3-2 年輕族群受訪列表 63\n\n圖目錄\n圖 2-1 理性行為理論 31\n圖 2-2 科技接受模式 31\n圖 2-3 科技接受模式II 32\n圖 2-4 科技意會三階段 39\n圖 3-1 研究分析架構 59zh_TW
dc.format.extent2253488 bytes-
dc.subjectBrand rejuvenationen_US
dc.subjectTechnology sense makingen_US
dc.subjectOfficial accounten_US
dc.subjectSponsored stickersen_US
dc.subjectInstant messengeren_US
dc.titleThe Technological Sense-making and Myth of LINE usage - A study of the enterprises innovate on promoting Brand Rejuvenation with LINEen_US
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