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題名: 以醫療社會學脈絡比較台灣與新加坡未出生胎兒的生命尊嚴
A Comparative Study on Human Dignity of the Unborn Child between Taiwan and Singapore in a context of Medical Sociology
作者: 蕭慧瑛
Shiao, Whei Ing
貢獻者: 高永光
Kao, Yuang Kuang
Shiao, Whei Ing
關鍵詞: 人性尊嚴
Human dignity
Unborn child
Focus group interview
Modern state
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 13-Sep-2017
摘要: 未岀生胎兒的生命尊嚴長期被在公領域被乎略。本研究以質性之焦點團體訪談法,分別在臺灣與新加坡進行24個焦點團體進行訪談。其中包括12個沒有信仰者的團體與12個有信仰者的團體,探索其對未岀生胎兒生命尊嚴的看法,以及臺灣與新加坡如何在聯合國、美國、新馬爾薩斯人口學家、優生學家與國際計畫家庭組織(International Planned Parenthood Federation,IPPF)所推動的家庭計畫,因追求經濟成長而選擇人口零成長的政策,導致未岀生胎兒的生命尊嚴更行惡化。
The human dignity of the unborn child remains uncertain in public policy domain. The importance of rethinking public reasonableness becomes unavoidable in the stage of late capitalism and liberal democracy. Political power, knowledge, and participation are three key elements of policymaking. The human dignity of the unborn child is neglected in the process of policymaking of population politics. There are advocators, United Nations, United States, eugenicists, neo-Malthusians and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in the process of population policymaking at the international level during the past three decades. This research first attempts to focus on the inter relationship among these five advocators and to review how the unborn child becomes missing within the process of international population policymaking. Secondly, Taiwan and Singapore are two test cases to reveal the policy follower roles who adopt the similar dream of modern states. Thirdly, since the personal religious beliefs play a significant role not only in shaping attitudes, but also in economic development, political stability, sexual morality and gender equality. This research adopts qualitative approach the focus group interview to compare the attitude of human dignity of the unborn child between the faith-based people with non-faith people both in Taiwan and Singapore. In this research 24 focus groups will be organized across Taiwan and Singapore, each country contains 12 groups. Each country contains 6 faith-based focus groups and 6 non-faith focus groups. Attempt to find the difference and similarity of population policy between Taiwan and Singapore and to explore how the religious values and the concept of human dignity of the unborn child excluded in the process of demographic policymaking.
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