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題名: 《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型歷程分析:1996~2016
Analysis on the Digitalization of the New York Times Newsroom from 1996 to 2016
作者: 曾筱媛
Tseng, Hsaio Yuan
貢獻者: 彭芸
Tseng, Hsaio Yuan
關鍵詞: 《紐約時報》
The New York Times
News routines
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 13-九月-2017
摘要: 1996年來,《紐約時報》緊跟數位科技發展,跨媒體經營網站,其內部新聞室也出現轉折,以產製數位新聞目標,逐步調整新聞產製的內容與方式。本研究從新聞產製取徑出發,分析《紐約時報》自1996年到2016年間的新聞室數位化轉型歷程,剖析產製數位新聞與工作常規轉變之間的關聯性。經文獻回顧所整理的分析架構,將研究個案的分三階段探討:第一階段變革(1996-1999)、第二階段變革(2000-2007)、第三階段變革(2008-2016),文獻分析法,系統性地整理現有歷史資料,剖析研究個案在不同階段的轉型歷程。\n研究發現,《紐約時報》在各階段數位科技發展中從未缺席,甚至積極擁抱改變,拋棄過往歷經百年的印刷報紙產製流程,以求市場領先地位。其歷年來的數位新聞服務多元,儘管過程中有些服務宣告失敗,但經營者與高層主管總有獨到見解,積極投入資源,內部新聞從業人員也總能快速因應,不斷招募新的數位科技人才,設立新職務,打造不同以往的新聞產製流程與工作常規。相較於過去,《紐約時報》網站與報紙新聞室之間的關係已經反客為主,從「網路優先」概念進展到「行動優先」,並持續在新聞室中拓展不一樣的新聞工作常規和產製流程,為《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型,埋下成功的因子。
Today, journalists across the organization are hungry to bring about change while facing a vital moment where digitalization has pushed the entire newspaper industry to accelerate transformation. In the past few years, The New York Times, as a pioneer of the American newspaper industry, has tried to change news routines and produce progress that takes advantage of today’s changing media landscape.\nIn light of the importance of digitalization, this case study takes a historical approach to analyze the digitalization of The New York Times newsroom from 1996 to 2016, as well as other endeavors, in order to provide a framework of the newspaper’s news routines during the digitalization era.\nThe analysis framework is composed into three periods of time: 1996-1999, 2000-2007, and 2008-2016. This study concludes that as The New York Times is uniquely well-positioned to transform itself quickly, it buried the traditional news routines of print newspaper and moved forward to make digital progress as soon as possible. Their digital-first strategy is still ongoing, and, as a result, this report shows that The New York Times has played a vital role in a changing world and has brought about different types of digital progress.
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