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題名: 大家都不看新聞了?手機新聞接收的日常節奏實踐
How to “read” the news? Rhythmanalysis on mobile news
作者: 蕭奕雯
Hsiao, Yi Wen
貢獻者: 劉慧雯
Hsiao, Yi Wen
關鍵詞: 手機新聞
Mobile news
Henri lefebvre
Relational affordances
Liquid modernity
Media world
News experience
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 1-Nov-2017
摘要: 本研究以日常生活為研究範疇,探討使用者的手機新聞接收實踐如何鑲嵌於日常節奏中,並重新釐清該如何理解如此經驗下的新聞。故以液態現代性為基本認識架構,重新詮釋新聞如何液化;接著,再從液態的時間經驗轉向節奏,並從列斐伏爾物的節奏分析中發現「人-技術-日常節奏」的交互關係;最後以關聯性機緣了解節奏的生成,開展本文的分析架構:日常生活脈絡、主動揭露的技術、以及與整體媒介世界的關聯,進一步理解使用者殊異的手機新聞接收實踐。\n 因此,為了更深入瞭解使用者的個人經驗,以及如何詮釋意義,本研究採取深度訪談法。從中發現,當手機新聞進入使用者的日常生活,為了與原有日常節奏協調,使用者會形成一套調配時間與空間的邏輯,或建立特定接收規則,進而形構如「拿起來看一下」的接收節奏、和「都看討論比較熱烈」的篩選機制;這過程中,手機和接收平台的技術節奏、既有的功能條件、以及技術的社會意涵皆會影響使用者的手機新聞接收實踐;最後我們亦發現,如此接收實踐背後更隱含與整體媒介世界的關聯,且媒介世界的基礎結構亦會作為背景、認識架構滿實使用者自身的新聞接收經驗。\n 是以,我們不能只討論新聞本身,而需擴大到使新聞顯現的背景脈絡與整體環節,進而提出「新聞體驗」的想法,認為如此體驗是相應關聯下、具明確指向性的個人體驗,且是於世之中,由不斷連續的、當下的直接知覺形構而成,期盼能以新聞體驗的概念重新釐清新聞之於個別使用者的核心價值,這才是新聞不被淘汰的關鍵。
This study aims at exploring how users’ daily reception of mobile news embedded in their everyday life. In order to clarify the essence of news, the study applies the concept of Liquid Modernity as the research framework, adopting Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis to reframe the interrelationships of “human- technics- daily rhythm”. In response to this question, this study develops three analysis units: contexts of everyday life, self-revealed technics, and the interrelation to the whole media world.\n In-depth interview is conducted to deeply understand user experience. It is found that, when mobile news enters users’ life, users adjust their thinking patterns of zoning time and space, and restructure the rules of reception for integrating original daily pace. The technical rhythms of the mobiles and the reception platforms, the technical properties, and social affordances of the technics, all are the factors to affect users’ mobile news reception. This study also found that the practices implying the interrelation with the whole media world, and the whole media world would be the background to fulfill user experience of news reception.\n In conclusion, this study suggests that, ‘News’ is an activity of experience. This personal experience is instituted by continuing direct-perception at a given time. Individual users have been changed from passive acceptance to active experience and restructure the value of news. The concept of ‘news experience’ helps us think the meaning of news for each user; clarify how to ‘experience’ news rather than “reading” news.
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