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dc.contributor.authorHuang, Shen Anen_US
dc.creatorHuang, Shen Anen_US
dc.description.abstract在這日益競爭的國際化時代,臺灣能否與國際接軌,甚至搶先在國際上佔有一席重要之地即顯得非常重要,而第二外語教育絕對是其重要關鍵之一,關係著國家在世界舞臺上的競爭力。\n 然而我國高中第二外語教育落實緩慢,遲至1994年才有第二外語課程開設,且高中第二外語教育在現今仍有諸多問題點。鄰近國家之中,韓國第二外語教育發展悠久,也重視第二外語人才培育,因此本研究希望藉由臺韓高中第二外語教育之比較,找出可借鏡韓國之處,給予臺灣高中第二外語教育發展建議,進而提升國家競爭力。\n 為了達到研究目的,本研究方法採用文件分析法與G.Z.F. Bereday的比較研究法,進行臺灣與韓國高中第二外語教育之比較研究。內文主要探究兩國高中第二外語教育之發展歷程、高中第二外語課程、高中第二外語師資與培育、第二外語於大學入學之採計等四大面向。\n 研究結果發現過去韓國高中第二外語因長期列為必選修而深植在高中教育,目前第二外語雖與臺灣同樣列為選修科目,但韓國的選修比例仍遠高於臺灣。此外,韓國第二外語科目分化且專精,另有外語高中與國際高中專門培育外語人才,並有教育部主導的線上學習課程,整體第二外語教育規劃比臺灣完善。在師資方面,韓國第二外語師資培育機構遠多於臺灣,第二外語普遍由合格師資教學,也有特色聘用制度解決師資問題,師資狀況較臺灣理想,且韓國的教師在職進修體系也較臺灣完整,第二外語教師進修方式多元,皆值得臺灣參考學習。另外,韓國第二外語為大學考科之一,第二外語的重要性及與大學入學選才的連結程度均較臺灣高。\n 根據研究結果,本研究針對臺灣高中第二外語教育發展提出以下建議:(一)課綱編制應具有系統性。(二)增設外語高中與國際高中。(三)增加第二外語特色開課方式。(四)開發高中第二外語線上課程。(五)發展高中第二外語課程教材。(六)短期輔導第二外語在職教師取得教師證,長期應增設大學第二外語科系及師資培育機構。(七)加強第二外語教師在職教育。(八)實施巡迴教師制度。(九)短期提高大學採計第二外語的意願,長期應將第二外語納入大學入學考試選擇考科。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this era of increased internationalization, it is impossible for Taiwan to keep itself from the international situation. Therefore, it is of great importance to keep up with the international practice and even preemptively occupy an important place in the world. The second foreign language education is absolutely one of the most crucial keys to the country`s competitiveness on the world stage.\n However, the implementation of the second foreign language education in Taiwan’s high schools is slow. The second foreign language course in high schools was not opened until 1994, but it still has many problems nowadays. Among neighboring countries, second foreign language education in South Korea has a long history, and the country also values the importance of cultivating second foreign language talents. Thus, this study hopes to compare the second foreign language education in senior high schools between the two countries, and to find out what Taiwan can learn from the experience of South Korea. Lastly, it is hoped that the paper could shed some light on the development of second foreign language education in Taiwan`s high schools so as to enhance the national competitiveness.\n This study adopted document analysis and G. Z. F. Bereday`s comparative method in education to conduct a comparative study of the second foreign language education in Taiwan and South Korea. The paper mainly explores four major aspects — the development of the second foreign language education in high school, the second foreign language curriculum in high school, the second language teachers in high school and teacher education, and the requirement of the second foreign language for university admission.\n It was found that the second foreign language in South Korea was deeply rooted in high school education by being a required subject in the long-term. Even though the second foreign language in South Korea is currently listed as an elective as in Taiwan, the elective ratio in South Korea is relatively higher than Taiwan. Furthermore, the second foreign language subjects in South Korea are diverse and specialized. It also has foreign language and international high schools to cultivate foreign language talents, together with online learning courses led by the Ministry of Education. On the whole, educational planning of the second foreign language programs in South Korea is more complete than that of in Taiwan.\n In terms of teachers, there are relatively more teachers training institutions in South Korea than in Taiwan. The second foreign language is generally taught by qualified teachers and also has a special employment system to solve the problem of employment of teachers. As a result, teachers` status is better than Taiwan. Moreover, on-the-job training system of teachers in South Korea is also more complete than that of Taiwan, and the second foreign language teacher has a variety of training methods; all of which are worth learning. In addition, the second foreign language in South Korea is one of the subjects tested in college entrance exams, making the importance of the second foreign language and the degree of connection with university entrance candidates both higher than Taiwan.\n According to the research results, this study proposed the following suggestions for the development of second foreign language education in high school in Taiwan: (1) The syllabus should compile more systematically. (2) To increase the establishment of foreign language high school and international high school. (3) To increase the second foreign language special start mode. (4) To develop high school online second foreign language courses. (5) To develop high school second foreign language teaching materials. (6) In the short-term, counseling second foreign language in-service teachers to obtain teacher`s certificate. In the long term, the university should increase the second foreign language department and teacher training institutions. (7) To strengthen the second foreign language teacher in-service education. (8) To implement floating teacher system. (9) In the short-term, to improve college recognize second foreign language certification. In the long-term, the second foreign language should be included in the college entrance exams as an alternative.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與問題 4\n第三節 研究方法與步驟 5\n第四節 研究範圍與名詞釋義 8\n第五節 文獻探討 13\n第二章 臺灣高中第二外語教育 20\n第一節 高中第二外語教育之發展歷程 20\n第二節 高中第二外語課程 33\n第三節 高中第二外語師資與培育 43\n第四節 第二外語於大學入學之採計 52\n第三章 韓國高中第二外語教育 56\n第一節 高中第二外語教育之發展歷程 56\n第二節 高中第二外語課程 70\n第三節 高中第二外語師資與培育 88\n第四節 第二外語於大學入學之採計 97\n第四章 臺灣與韓國高中第二外語教育之比較 102\n第一節 高中第二外語教育發展歷程之比較 102\n第二節 高中第二外語課程之比較 112\n第三節 高中第二外語師資與培育之比較 122\n第四節 第二外語於大學入學採計之比較 126\n第五章 結論與建議 128\n第一節 結論 128\n第二節 建議 135\n參考文獻 139\n壹、中文資料 139\n貳、韓文資料 142\n附錄 145\n附錄一 2015학년도 중등학교 제2외국어교사 양성기관 통계(2015學年度中等學校第二外語教師養成機關統計) 145\n附錄二 韓國2017學年度大學修學能力考試中文Ⅰ試題與答案 158zh_TW
dc.format.extent5514502 bytes-
dc.subjectSecond foreign language in high schoolen_US
dc.subjectSecond foreign language educationen_US
dc.subjectHigh schools in Taiwanen_US
dc.subjectHigh schools in South Koreaen_US
dc.subjectComparative educationen_US
dc.titleA Comparative Study of Second Foreign Language Education in High School between Taiwan and Koreaen_US
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