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題名: 兩岸大學生交流之近期發展與潛在衝擊之評估
作者: 周祝瑛
貢獻者: 教育學系
關鍵詞: 兩岸關係;陸生;接觸假設;文教交流;台灣高等教育機構
cross-strait relations; Chinese university students; contact hypothesis; cultural exchange; educational exchange; Taiwanese universities
日期: 2015
上傳時間: 5-一月-2018
摘要: 兩岸交流(Cross-strait exchanges)不僅是認識雙方發展的重要途徑,也可透過彼此的軟實 力(soft power),影響對方原有的認知與態度。然而,根據最近的研究顯示,兩岸大學生對社會重大 事件,出現相當不同的認知與態度。為此,本研究擬針對 2011 年正式開放陸生來台以後,臺海兩岸 大學生交流的變化,以及雙方返國就業狀況進行調查,彙整兩岸陸生與台生之相關論文與專題研究報告, 進行後設分析。本研究以兩年為期,透過文獻分析、比較方法、深度訪談、焦點座談與問卷調 查方法,等進行資料蒐集與分析。期望研究成果有助於未來兩岸大學招生與交流,建立風險評估機制, 並提供我方招收陸生之政策參考。研究中以Allport的族群接觸假設,來檢視陸生來台的滿意度及生活經驗的變化情形,結果發現隨著來台時間的長短會影響陸生來台學習與生活經驗之滿意度。在上述族群接觸理論中的四個重要前提分別為對等的平等的關係、共同的目標、合作的機會以及上述三種關係都是獲得法律等合理的保障。在檢視陸生來台的關係上發現,儘管上述四個前提尤其是在第一個平等的地位上,由於陸生三法中對於陸生有所謂三限六不等限制,儘管這些法令有逐漸鬆綁與增加對陸生保障之權益,但整個立法仍然具有差別待遇之意味,因此在這一方面陸生始終認為在台地位仍有待改善。至於其他的三個前提則大致符合上述假設。此外陸生族群中以來台低於一年的交換生滿意度最高,大學生與研究生通常有滿意度逐年下降的情況,直到第四年之後滿意度才又開始逐漸回升,至於這樣的改變,與陸生本身的性格生活遭遇及對兩岸關係的發展有關。至於台生方面,則隨著大陸經濟發展的影響,有更多前進大陸求學與就業發展的需求。從本研究中可以看出兩岸大學生交流不但可以促進彼此的了解,也會受到一些重大的社會事件而影響,在政策制定上需要做長期的追踪與評估。
Recent changes in the political atmosphere between China and Taiwan have allowed for the recruitment of Chinese university students in Taiwan. Since September 2011, thousands of Chinese degree-seeking students have been admitted to Taiwanese universities. While short-term cross-strait educational exchange programs began in the late 1990s and increased over the years, the enrolment of Chinese degree-seeking students marks a new milestone in the development of cross-strait relations. Despite the political and ideological rivalry between China and Taiwan, studies show that cross-strait educational exchanges have enhanced mutual understanding and changed attitudes of people on both sides. This chapter uses the four conditions of Allport’s Contact Hypothesis – equal status, common goals, intergroup cooperation, and support by authorities – as a theoretical lens for understanding the experiences of Chinese university students studying in Taiwan, focusing in particular on how the cultural and educational exchanges affect the individuals involved as well as their societies and cross-strait relations more broadly. It argues that the four conditions have each been met to varying extents and explores the ways in which the exchanges have and have not achieved this. It also finds that the exchanges have been influential for those involved but that they will have to continue for longer before their effects on policies or the political discourse on cross-strait relations will become apparent.
關聯: 執行起迄:2015/08/01~2017/10/31
資料類型: report

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