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dc.description.abstractThe subjects of this study are night market stakeholders and consumers; the study aims to explore user demand for the introduction of technology to night markets, and to determine the demand for night market technology. The research methods employed by this study are as follows: the first part of this study is based upon theoretical foundation analysis, and combines literature related to a variety of fields related to night markets with the current state of the industry. Furthermore, on-site interviews were conducted at night markets, and surveys of the night market environment were conducted; in addition, qualitative in-depth interviews were used to determine the demands of night-market stakeholders. These methods also attempt to determine known user demands according to current industry conditions, in addition to determining other potential user demands from different user and administrative perspectives.\n\nIn the second part, the results of in-depth qualitative interviews are used to establish a quantitative online questionnaire; statistical data analysis of consumer psychology and correlation analysis reveal that there is a significant and positive correlation between night-market-influencing technology applications and the perceived value of technology use; furthermore, multivariate regression analysis shows the following: according to three pathway results, variables with positive and significant correlations exist for the effect of night-market-influencing technology applications on the behavioral attitudes of night market consumers to using technology, the effect of the perceived value of technology use on behavioral attitudes that influence technology use by night market consumers, and the effect of behavioral attitudes of night market consumers towards technology use on the willingness of night market consumers to use technology. An analysis of these results was used to verify the psychological characteristics of demand for consumer technology use, and to provide a user demand design that is compatible with supply and demand conditions of night markets.\n\nThe third section of this paper summarizes results related to the motivations and demands of night market technology users, and proposes technology user demand mechanisms and functional plans with referential value for night markets. Furthermore, this section describes the establishment and planning of a digital content application, design of digital content for the night market app, the system framework, and conduction of process planning and interface set-up. In addition, it addresses how the issues encountered by night markets can be resolved, and provides reference for future researchers, which can be applied to digital content application development and practice.\n\nThe results of this study are as follows: it summarizes the demands and vision of the night market industry with regard to digital technology applications. According to the demands of users, it plans a system framework and process for night market technology, and designs a digital content application interface for night markets. Finally, it resolves difficulties encountered by the night market industry, and improves the overall level of participation in night market development, in addition to improving the competitiveness of night markets. Furthermore, it provides a reference for future researchers.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents致謝 I\n中文摘要 III\n英文摘要 IV\n目錄 VI\n圖目錄 X\n表目錄 XV\n第壹章、緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 1\n第二節 研究背景 3\n第三節 研究問題與目的 11\n一、 研究問題 11\n二、 研究目的 13\n第四節 研究流程 15\n第五節 論文研究架構 17\n第貳章、文獻探討與案例分析 18\n第一節 觀光夜市與夜市發展 18\n一、 夜市的界定與變化之探究 18\n二、 新莊廟街夜市歷史沿革與發展 25\n三、 夜市相關研究主題 31\n第二節 使用者動機態度與消費行為 41\n一、 動機理論 41\n二、 態度理論 47\n三、 消費心理學 52\n第三節 行動服務案例分析 57\n一、 國內夜市相關科技應用案例 57\n二、亞洲國家夜市相關科技應用案例 61\n第参章、研究方法與操作步驟 67\n第一節 深度訪談法 67\n一、 研究介紹 67\n二、 研究對象 68\n三、 研究分析效度與信度 70\n四、 研究架構 71\n第二節 問卷統計分析法 73\n一、 研究架構 73\n二、 研究假設 74\n三、 研究構面 75\n四、 研究對象與問卷設計 80\n五、 資料分析方法 82\n第肆章、分析討論 85\n第一節 深度訪談分析結果 85\n一、 前期探索脈絡需求 85\n二、 目標族群使用者定義 90\n三、 夜市內部利害關係人科技使用動機分析 96\n四、 夜市科技使用行為分析 110\n五、 夜市科技導入成效關鍵因素 138\n第二節 問卷調查統計分析結果 148\n一、 樣本統計 148\n二、 敘述統計分析 151\n三、 效度及信度分析 161\n四、 差異分析 174\n五、 相關性分析 189\n六、 多元迴歸分析 193\n第伍章、數位內容應用建置規劃 197\n第一節 功能架構與使用流程 197\n第二節 夜市利害關係人系統應用建置規劃結果 200\n一、 夜市利害關係人APP首頁與輔助功能介面設計 200\n二、 夜市利害關係人APP九大功能介面設計 201\n第三節 夜市消費者系統應用建置規劃結果 209\n一、 夜市消費者APP首頁與輔助功能介面設計 209\n二、 夜市消費者APP九大功能介面設計 212\n第陸章、結論與未來展望 221\n第一節 結論與貢獻 221\n第二節 研究限制 225\n一、 研究對象限制 225\n二、 技術限制 225\n三、 實驗測試限制 226\n四、 美術限制 226\n第三節 研究建議 227\n一、 產業趨勢與環境掃描之研究建議 227\n二、 夜市受測者深度訪談之研究建議 227\n三、 夜市受測者問卷調查之研究建議 229\n四、 數位內容規劃與建置之研究建議 229\n第四節 未來展望 230\n一、 系統的優化與擴充 230\n二、 後端數據分析系統的建置 231\n三、 改善介面設計 231\n四、 商業模式 231\n參考文獻 233\n一、 中文文獻 233\n二、 英文文獻 241\n附錄一 247\n附錄二 250zh_TW
dc.format.extent7726147 bytes-
dc.subjectNight marketen_US
dc.subjectConsumption psychologyen_US
dc.subjectTechnology useen_US
dc.subjectMotivations for useen_US
dc.subjectAttitude theoryen_US
dc.subjectTechnology acceptance modelen_US
dc.subjectDigital content designen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of technology use behaviors and their motivations for night market stakeholders and consumersen_US
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