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題名: 印尼留台學生在促進印台關係中的角色
The Role of Indonesian Students in Enhancing Indonesia-Taiwan Relations
作者: 平亞諦
Putri, Ardila
貢獻者: 邱炫元
Chiou, Syuan-yuan
Putri, Ardila
關鍵詞: 印尼與台灣的關係
Indonesia-Taiwan relations
People-to-people relations
Public diplomacy
Indonesian student activism
Asian international higher education
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 9-Apr-2018
摘要: 本研究的主要目的是考察印尼學生在他們的學生組織中如何扮演促進印尼與台灣之間關係的角色。本論文用公共外交的概念與分析框架,以作者在台就學之便親身參與各項印尼學生組織活動的經驗觀察所得,結合相關的文獻分析,最後發現,印尼學生在促進印台關係中扮演三種角色:1. 強化兩國人民的關係;2. 增進彼此的瞭解;3. 提升了兩國彼此在對方民眾與社會中的能見度與形象。而印尼學生之所以可以在台灣非穆斯林社會達到這樣的成果,主要歸功於:1. 印尼社群的互助傳統(gotong-royong)變成他們在台灣推動組織工作的社會資本;2. 在台灣的印尼移工與學生社群對這些服務的需求;3. 駐台北印尼經濟貿易辦公室、台灣政府以及各個大學學務單位的多方的支持與協助。
The main objective of this study is to examine the role Indonesian students in Indonesian student organizations in Taiwan have played in enhancing the relationship between Indonesia and Taiwan. This thesis explores and details some of the activities of Indonesian students as they study in Taiwan, and examines how these activities have contributed to bridging and increasing the volume of people-to-people relations between the two countries, as well as how the associations and their activities have indirectly enhanced mutual understanding between Taiwanese and Indonesians. This thesis adopts the new public diplomacy and relational public diplomacy framework. Some data were collected during the researcher’s participation in Indonesian student associations and activities. Other data were gathered via discussion with several prominent Indonesian student association leaders. For the document analysis, this research uses Indonesian student organization document reports, Indonesia and Taiwan government reports, statistical data, newspapers, and websites. This thesis suggests that there are three roles Indonesian students play in bridging the relationship between Indonesia and Taiwan: (1) strengthening people-to-people relations (2) bridging mutual understanding (3) increase visibility and positive image. In addition, this thesis shows that there are three factors leading Indonesian students to establish their associations and conduct their activities: (1) their tradition of communal work (gotong-royong) as social capital (2) the demands of Indonesian migrant workers and students (3) support from various institutions, such as the Indonesian government especially IETO, universities, and the Taiwan government. The three factors are important and they are related to each other. Because of the three factors, Indonesian students can carry out their activities.
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