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題名: YouTuber頻道類型與置入產品類別對於購買意願、持續收視意願的影響 - 產品置入接受度的調節效果
The impact of YouTuber channel type and placed product type on purchase intention and continuous watching intention: the moderating effect of placement acceptability
作者: 楊承叡
Yang, Cheng-Rui
貢獻者: 邱志聖
Chiou, Jyh-Shen
Yang, Cheng-Rui
關鍵詞: YouTube
Product placement
Product type
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 3-七月-2018
摘要:   網路時代的來臨,帶動了許多產業的發展,其中更以影音分享平台YouTube為代表,象徵了傳統收視的式微。在YouTube的發展過程中,從一開始觀眾「偶爾」點選娛樂影片做為消遣,到養成固定收看某一頻道的習慣,甚至是由於創作者的多元使得觀眾能夠自行選擇收看的類型與內容(Video on demand),不再受到時間與選項的限制。於是,有組織性的頻道經營成為了YouTube上越來越熱門的形式。近年來,被稱為YouTuber的影音創作者如雨後春筍般出現,相關數據也顯示此種模式確實是有利可圖的。\n  置入性行銷已發展多年,是為廣告投放以外的行銷溝通手段。過往的產品置入多著重在電影影集、電視節目、新聞媒體等領域,並受限於媒介與法規的限制。YouTube的出現,著實為欲透過產品置入與消費者接觸的廠商,提供了另一個可以選擇的管道。本研究之目的即為結合兩者,探討在新興媒體的置入性行銷中,頻道類型與置入產品類別是否會對購買意願造成影響,同時探討置入行為是否會對後續收視態度造成負面效果。\n  本研究採用了2(YouTuber頻道類型:娛樂型頻道、知識型頻道)×2(置入產品類別:享樂性產品、功能性產品)的二因子實驗設計,共分為4組實驗單位。研究結果發現,在YouTube頻道進行置入行為時,YouTuber頻道類型對於持續收視態度有顯著影響,且知識型的表現較娛樂型頻道為佳。另外在產品類別方面,置入享樂性產品之購買意願顯著優於置入功能性產品,顯示消費者並不會將YouTuber之置入視為一種可靠的資訊來源,反而更接近同儕的推薦;同時,在持續收視意願部分,也是由置入享樂性產品的表現較好,可以推估在YouTube收視的觀眾,傾向認為YouTuber更適合置入享樂性產品而非功能性產品。
The development of Internet has strong influence on many industries, and between them, the rise of YouTube, as a video sharing platform, indicates that traditional watching process has gradually declined. In its developing history, YouTube started from an alternative just for entertainment, and then became a platform that many audiences waited for their favorite channel to update. Furthermore, along with the number of creators grows, people can now choose the type and content of channel that they want to watch (Video on demand). Therefore, creators who are called “YouTuber” became more and more popular. According to statistic data, this kind of channel operating mode is actually profitable.\nProduct placement has developed for years, and it’s an alternative marketing communication of traditional advertising. Product placement mainly focused on movies, television programs, news media, etc. The rise of YouTube indeed provides a new way for companies to contact with their customers. The purpose of this research is to combine YouTube and product placement, aiming to explore the effects of channel types and product types when placing product on YouTube. Additionally, we discussed about the interactive effects between these two variables.\nA 2×2 between-subjects factorial experiment with two YouTuber channel types (i.e., entertaining and knowledge) and two product types (i.e., hedonic and utilitarian product) was conducted. The results show that there is a main effect of YouTuber channel type on continuous watching intention. Besides, product type has main effect on purchase intention and continuous watching intention. Audience as a consumer would not regard YouTuber as a reliable source, and tends to think that YouTuber should place hedonic products in the videos.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis

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