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題名: 身體意象與自尊關係之變化歷程:以女大學生動勢團體為例
The changing process of the relationship between body image and self-esteem: a case study of female college students in a dongshi group
作者: 黃亮慈
Huang, Liang-Tzu
貢獻者: 李宗芹
Lee, Tsung-Chin
Huang, Liang-Tzu
關鍵詞: 身體意象
Body image
Dongshi group
Changing process
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 19-七月-2018
摘要:   本研究旨在探討女大學生成長歷程中身體意象與自尊之形塑。研究者嘗試建構動勢團體的身體動作探索與體驗歷程如何促進身體與心理的發展,以此探究身體意象與自尊養成所涵蓋的現象。\n  研究對象為參與動勢團體的六位女大學生,以質性半結構訪談,結合身體動勢擷取三向度(韻律密度、身形力度、感覺強度)、團體歷程圖、動勢影像,每位研究對象皆訪談兩次,共獲得十二份文本。爾後將動勢團體初期、中期、後期的歷程,以主題分析的方式呈現出研究對象在團體中的身體意象與自尊之現象,再以團體整體、身體動勢擷取三向度,得到女大學生身體意象與自尊之關係變化歷程如下:(一)身體意象的變化歷程:對於身體意象不再只是外表、身材,而是能夠擴展對身體意象的認識及其面向,找到自己獨特的身體動勢;(二)自尊的變化歷程:源自於自我評價以及動勢團體中的關係互動,包含社會比較、在關係中感受被接納的程度;(三)身體意象與自尊之關係:兩者皆在關係中建立並且與評價相關,若在關係中獲得他人接納與尊重,能夠增進身體意象,進而提升整體自尊;(四)華人文化之中的身體意象與自尊:被規訓的身體、文化美德、與他人的關係影響身體意象與自尊,本研究認為需喚起對身體的意識並且練習欣\n賞、接納自我。\n  基於以上的研究發現,研究者針對身體意象與自尊、諮商與輔導實務與未來發展提供建議,期盼對相關專業實務領域及未來學術研究領域有所助益。
The purpose of this study is to explore the growing process of body image andself-esteem of female college students.\nThe researcher tries to construct body movement and experiencing process, to see how they can improve the physical and psychological development, and explore\nthe phenomenon of body image and self-esteem.\nThe study is conducted in semi-structured interviews, combined with three dimensions of Dongshi pick-up (The Intensity of Body Rhythm, The Strength of Body Figural, The Strength of Corporeal Feeling) to group process chart and Dongshi image.Twelve texts from six interviewees Participating in Dongshi group are collected.\nThe phenomenon of six interviewees’ body image and self-esteem is presented in the hematic analysis with the Dongshi group’s process of Early stage, middle stage,\nand last stage.With the phenomenon, the whole group and three dimensions of Dongshi, the changing process of the relationship between body image and selfesteem is showed as follows:1.The changing process of body image: the body image could be expand the understanding of body image, not only lying in the one’s appearance and figure, thus\none can find their own unique Dongshi.\n2.The changing process of self-esteem: the self-esteem is devived from self-evaluation and the interaction in Dongshi group, including the social comparison and how much one could feel accepted in the relationship.\n3.The relationship between body image and self-esteem: two concepts are both built in the relationship and also relevant wit self-evaluation.If one could get acceptance\nand respect from others, it can improve one’s body image and self-esteem.\n4.Body image and self-esteem in Chinese culture: one’s disciplined body, Chinese traditional virtue,the\nrelationship with others would affect body image and\’s awareness of body must be aroused, then star to practice how to appreciate and accept themselves.\nBased on the above results, some implications are provided for the body image and self-esteem, practice of guidance consultant and future research.
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