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題名: 青少女身體意象建構與憂鬱情緒經驗之關係探索:動勢團體取向
Exploring the Relationship of Adolescent Girls’ Body Image and Depressive Experience: Dongshi Group Approach
作者: 楊淳婷
Yang, Chun-Ting
貢獻者: 李宗芹
Yang, Chun-Ting
關鍵詞: 身體意象
Body image
Depressive experience
Adolescent girls
Dongshi group
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 20-七月-2018
摘要: 本研究旨在探究青少女身體意象建構與憂鬱情緒經驗之關係探索,以動勢團體取向為探討觀點。主要研究目的為:一、了解青少女建構自我身體意象之因素。二、了解青少女形成憂鬱情緒經驗之成因探討。三、探索青少女之自我身體意象(身體滿意度、身體欣賞度、擔心他人對自我外表評價度)與憂鬱情緒經驗之關係。\r\n\r\n本研究採動勢團體為媒介,以預防為目的,並鼓勵成員表達自我、延緩評價性介入。研究團體進行時間共八周,每周一次,一次45分鐘,全程錄影並搭配學習單紀錄。在團體實作結束後,研究者將透過焦點團體訪談與個別訪談法,採半結構式訪談大綱,以期讓研究對象述說作為一名國中女生,由自身角度出發所構築之自我意象與憂鬱情緒之關係,將逐字稿及團體表單等資料,以主題分析法進行資料處理與分析。\r\n\r\n研究結果發現:\r\n一、建構青少女身體意象有主要四因素,包括:同儕目光、家人評價、\r\n媒體廣告及自我特質。\r\n二、形成青少女憂鬱情緒經驗之的三項主要成因為:身體外型、人際因\r\n素、自身想法偏向。\r\n三、關於青少女自我身體意象與憂鬱情緒經驗之間的關係,本研究歸納\r\n為三點:外在樣態、內在特質及採取行動。\r\n\r\n最後,研究者依據研究結果提出若干建議,以供教育與心理輔導相關單位、人員及未來研究參考。
The study aims to explore the relationship between the construction of adolescent girls` body image and the depressive experience with Dongshi group approach. The main purposes of the study are: 1.understanding the factors of adolescent girls to construct their body image; 2.understanding the reasons of adolescent girls’ depressive experience; 3.exploring the relationship between adolescent girls` body image and the experience of depressive experience.\r\n\r\nThe study uses Dongshi group approach to encourage members to express themselves and to defer evaluations with the purpose of prevention. The research group is for a period of eight weeks, once a week and each for 45 minutes. During the research’s activites, we video all the time. The members were also be recorded with worksheet. After the research group, the researcher collected informations by focus group and individual interview with semi-structured outline. The researcher expect the research objects can recount the relationship between the body image and the experience of depressive experience of their own as junior high girls. The research used subject analysis to analyze the data of transcripts and worksheets.\r\n\r\nThe main findings of this study were as follows:\r\n1. The main four factors of adolescent girls to\r\nconstruct their body image are the view of peers,\r\nthe evaluation of family, media advertisement, and\r\npersonal traits.\r\n2. The main three reasons of adolescent girls’\r\ndepressive experience are body appearance,\r\ninterpersonal relationship, and self-ideal bias.\r\n3. The research gathered three points about the\r\nrelationship between the adolescent girls` body\r\nimage and the depressive experience are external\r\nappearance, and actions.\r\n\r\nBased on the above findings, the researcher provided some suggestions for educational and psychological counseling related institutions, personnel and future research to reference.
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