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題名: 私募股權基金管理人力資源發展之研究
A Study on Human Resource Development of Private Equity Fund
作者: 王瑋璠
Wang, Wei-Fan
貢獻者: 張昌吉
Wang, Wei-Fan
關鍵詞: 私募股權
Private equity
Labor market
Human resource development
Competency analysis
Talent acquisition
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 27-Jul-2018
摘要: 私募股權基金於各國法律中的定義不盡相同,其活躍於國際市場並經常涉及跨國投資運作,從主要型式與操作流程等層面而觀,總體上仍秉持一致的原則。私募股權基金作為運作中的資產池,針對特定人群而非大眾進行募資,主要面向的投資者包含大型機構投資者及富有個人。私募股權產業的投資主體包含私募股權基金、私募股權基金投資機構、投資銀行、投資者、被投資企業、中介機構等。我國雖無私募股權基金管理專法,但可按其概念相應之法律進行理解。\n\n  本文旨在研究私募股權基金管理機構投資部門之人力資源發展,該部門負責募集資金及尋找項目,並持續完成項目直至退出。投資部門人才核心人格特質在於面對巨額資金與交易期限帶來的壓力時,仍能保持風度、自制和謹慎。台灣許多私募股權產業人才同時擁有豐富的金融界、產業界歷練甚或兼備,同時,可能也具備創投、法律、政治等多元背景。高階管理人才通常具備極佳的學歷,自本質學能便奠定良好基礎。私募股權基金管理之人才職能需求,會因組織業務發展方向與投資標的產業別和企業成長週期略有差異,但整體而言其人才需求與招募管道大致相同。
Private equity (PE) fund is active in global capital market and involves cross-border investment operation. The definition of PE fund varies in the regulations of different countries. The principle of PE fund is still consistent from the perspective of fund types and the process of investment. Investors of PE fund are mainly institutional investors and wealthy individuals. Private equity investment entities include private equity funds, private equity fund investment institutions, investment banks, investors, invested companies, and intermediary institutions. There is not a law specific for PE fund in Taiwan. However, it can be understood in accordance with its general concepts.\n\nThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the human resource development in the investment department of PE fund investment institution. They are responsible for fundraising, seeking and managing potential portfolio companies, and planning and execution of exit strategy. The core personality of these talents is to maintain demeanor, self-control, and prudence under great pressure. Many PE talents in Taiwan have an abundance of experiences with finance, industries, or even both. Meanwhile, they may have other diversified professional backgrounds. Generally, the requirement of human capital and the strategy of recruitment are similar in PE fund industry, but the competency analysis of talents varies in different fields of portfolio companies and fund types of PE fund institutions.
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資料類型: thesis
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