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dc.contributor.authorLEE, HSIEN-TEen_US
dc.creatorLEE, HSIEN-TEen_US
dc.description.abstractWith the rise and flourish of the Internet, people watch the appearance of audio-visual content from radio and television to the Internet, computers, smart phones and tablet computers have become the source of popular audio-visual content. So this paper takes the regulation of internet audio and video service in the age of digital convergence as content, and discusses how to use the content of analysis method and the interview method to discuss how to regulate the content of the OTT audio and video service under the premise of balancing the freedom of expression and safeguarding the public welfare. A total of 7, including staff, government officials and professors of the CATV broadcast systems operators and OTT, were interviewed, by different perspectives, to discuss the specific regulation of the OTT operators.\r\nThis paper is used for the regulate legal basis of the OTT operators, the responsibility of the OTT operators, the regulate for the overseas OTT operators and the protective structure of children and youths protection to compose the regulatory framework. The study found that in the regulate legal basis, most respondents advocated that the amendment of the existing law, that is,the existing law on the social violations of the norms, be applied to the network of illegal acts, only to be compatible with the internet characteristics. And the responsibility of the OTT operators, the majority of respondents advocated that should be divided into the full responsibility for the audio-visual, the moderate responsibility for the procurement of audio-visual, the user upload the audio-visual performance \"notice-take down\" procedure can be exempted, this also conforms to the perpetrator is responsible to his behavior for the principle. For the overseas OTT operators, the majority of respondents advocated that should be site-blocking, but should be limited to frequent violations of the law and the circumstances of the major, to make the process of making a site-blocking decision should be legal, rigorous, public, transparent, and should be protected by the network of legal remedy rights. For the protection of children and youths, the majority of respondents advocated that in accordance with the body, psychology, conduct, learning, health and personality development and other aspects, of the formulation of specific and clear laws to protect.\r\nAt last, this paper aims at government organs, OTT operators and network users respectively put forward recommendations, the government agencies should tidy up and design regulate measure to implement the relevant laws; OTT operators in addition to complying with the law and protection of children and youths, and should provide high-quality audio-visual content; network users should reject the viewing of illegal audio-visual content, inclusive teat of the site-blocking, and joint supervision OTT operators. In addition, this paper suggests that the follow-up study can enlarge the respondents to understand the needs of the viewers, and implement personal information protection, improve the quality of the Taiwan programs to cultivate national consciousness, so that the future government agencies to promote OTT industry development and take into account the protection of public interests reference.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\r\n第一節 研究背景 1\r\n第二節 研究動機 7\r\n第三節 研究目的 8\r\n第四節 研究問題 9\r\n第二章 文獻檢閱 11\r\n第一節 國際間主要國家對OTT內容政策、法規及相關管制 11\r\n第二節 我國OTT之發展現況分析 34\r\n第三節 OTT業者侵權責任之相關規範 50\r\n第四節 我國法有關網際網路提供者責任規範 56\r\n第五節 相關研究 67\r\n第三章 研究設計 73\r\n第一節 研究問題 74\r\n第二節 研究方法 77\r\n第三節 資料蒐集:訪談法 79\r\n第四章 研究分析 85\r\n第一節 對於OTT業者管制之法源 85\r\n第二節 OTT業者對於傳輸影音內容之責任 87\r\n第三節 境外OTT業者之管制 91\r\n第四節 對於兒童及少年保護應具體明確 99\r\n第五節 綜合討論 100\r\n第五章 結論 111\r\n第一節 研究發現 111\r\n第二節 實務建議 113\r\n第三節 研究限制及後續研究建議 114\r\n參考文獻 119\r\n附錄 125\r\n附錄一 參與研究同意書 125\r\n附錄二 訪談題綱(有線廣播電視系統經營者之員工) 126\r\n附錄三 訪談題綱(OTT經營者之員工) 127\r\n附錄四 訪談題綱(OTT經營者之員工) 128\r\n附錄五 訪談題綱(政府官員) 129\r\n附錄六 訪談題綱(政府官員) 130\r\n附錄七 訪談題綱(教授) 131\r\n附錄八 訪談題綱(教授) 132zh_TW
dc.subjectDigital convergenceen_US
dc.subjectRegulatory frameworken_US
dc.subjectNotice-take downen_US
dc.subjectChildren and youths protectionen_US
dc.titleOn the Regulation of Internet Audio and Video Service in the Age of Digital Convergenceen_US
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