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題名: 網路時代的沉默螺旋:以台灣同性婚姻合法化為案例
The spiral of silence in the Internet era: a study of legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan
作者: 耿毓童
Geng, Yutong
貢獻者: 許瓊文
Hsu, Chiung-Wen
Geng, Yutong
關鍵詞: 沉默螺旋
Spiral of silence
Same-sex marriage
Opinion expression
Fear of silence
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 10-八月-2018
摘要: 自諾爾紐曼提出沉默螺旋假設以來,已經過去了四十餘年。其間社會歷經巨變,尤其是隨著網路的普及,人們獲取訊息、思考問題、發表意見的方式與四十多年前大相逕庭。本研究以近年來在台灣社會引起沸沸揚揚討論的同性婚姻合法化議題為案例,探討在網路時代,人們如何對爭議性議題發表意見。\n本研究重新審視了團體的重要性,根據周遭的團體與個人的關係親疏、以及他們的意見的影響力,將意見氣候的概念進一步區分為為多個微型意見氣候與社會總體意見氣候。此外,網路提供了新的討論環境和更多表達方式,因此本研究將各種討論情境納入考量,研究對親疏有別的各種討論對象、在公開或非公開的場合中的表達意願,網路上的按讚、轉貼等多元表達方式也被納入意見表達的範疇。本研究還進一步討論了可能導致沉默心理因素,豐富了害怕孤立的內涵。\n本研究對15名受訪者進行了深度訪談,得出以下研究結果:\n一、人們能夠分辨周遭的各種團體中流行的意見,其中親近好友的意見對個人的影響力最大;\n二、有五種心理因素會影響意見表達,它們都與害怕孤立有關:害怕衝突、害怕破壞關係、說了也沒用、維護形象、害怕揭露性取向;\n三、討論環境可分為面對面和網路,網路上又有多種發言平台、多種表達方式。在什麼環境中表達、用什麼方式表達,是經過一系列考量才做出的選擇;\n四、討論對象與個人的關係、討論對象的意見也會影響意見表達,人們更願意對關係親近、意見與自己一致的人表達真實想法。但當自己的意見與親近之人不一致時,也可能會顧及他們的感受而故意避免與他們討論。
To know better about the spiral of silence in the Internet era, 15 individuals were interviewed about both face-to-face and computer-mediated discussion experiences in the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan.\nIn this essay, the concept of climate of opinion is furtherly distinguished as micro climates of opinion and social climate of opinion. Relationship with other discussion participants, public and non-public discussion environment and various online behaviors are considered when measuring willingness to speak out. Fear of isolation is also further-researched. Research findings are as below:\nFirstly, individuals can recognize dominate opinion of each group around them, among which opinion of close friends has the greatest influence;\nSecondly, five psychological factors related to fear of isolation were found: fear of conflict, fear of breaking the relationship, uselessness to say, image maintenance and fear of disclosure of sexual orientation;\nThirdly, willingness to express is different in face-to-face and computer-mediated contexts. Where and how to speak are decided after complex considerations;\nFinally, closer relationship and more congruent opinion with other discussion participants enhance willingness to express. However, incongruent opinion with reference groups may cause silence.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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