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題名: 高科技產業公關新聞內容:消息來源與媒體之認知差距
The Comparison Study of High-tech News : A Convergency Model of Industry PR Operators and Media Reporters
作者: 余良君
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
關鍵詞: 高科技產業
Publicity of high-tech industry
News criterion index
The Gieber and Johnson model
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 27-八月-2018
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解產業界(消息來源)與媒體對高科技產業公關新聞的看法是否有其差距,研究方法採修正式德菲法,分別蒐集產業界與媒體界之意見,經T檢定發現二者並無認知差距,因此再以因素分析歸納共同因素。\r\n\r\n因素分析歸納出出高科技產業公關新聞寫作內容五大因素,依其重要程度分別為「議題完整性」、「企業影響性」、「資訊時效性」、「內容準確性」、「技術創新性」。\r\n\r\n此外,從研究結果亦可瞭解 -\r\n‧高科技產業與媒體之互動,屬利益不衝突之「同化關係」;\r\n‧由於科技的專業性,媒體處於知識資訊不對等,故其新聞仰賴傳播者「餵養」。
This thesis discussed the cognitive gap between high-tech industry PR operators and media reporters. A modified Delphi method was applied to gather opinions from both parties. By t testing, no gap existed between the PR operators and reporters. It means the media high-tech news was duplicated from the industry publicity materials.\r\n\r\nA factor analysis was conducted to conclude the common factors. Five major factors were listed, in the order of importance, as follows: topic comprehensiveness, enterprise influence, information timeliness, content accuracy, and technological innovativeness. Those factors will be the criterion index of high-tech news story.\r\n\r\nThe major findings based on the study are as follows:\r\n1. High-technology industries and media are in an assimilation relationship, which involves no conflicts of interest.\r\n2. Because of the complicated knowledge in the industry, the media reporters rely on the PR operators "feed" news. According to the Gieber and Johnson model, the relationship between the two parties is "asymmetry".
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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