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題名: B2B資訊平台對紡織成衣業供應鏈的轉變與影響 —以J公司為例
B2B Information System’s Impact on the Textile Industry: A Case Study of Company J
作者: 蘇冠宇
Su, Kuan-Yu
貢獻者: 洪為璽
Hung, Wei-Hsi
Su, Kuan-Yu
關鍵詞: 資訊平台
Information platform
Textile industry
Supply chain
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 27-Aug-2018
摘要: 紡織成衣業是曾為臺灣創匯的重要產業,但在紡織業面臨了高工資、勞動力逐漸短缺、新台幣升值、產能過剩,及國際貿易保護盛行等原因,廠商紛紛將產地轉往東協等其他勞動力便宜的國家,除此之外更試著透過流程改善、資訊系統導入的方式尋求更具效率、低成本的製造模式,試著找尋突破的機會。隨著科技的演變,傳統服飾製造業除精進自身布料產品等研發能力外,更在系統流程上更新,使得一甩過去被冠上「夕陽產業」的稱號。\n\n本研究是採取個案研究法,藉由實際訪談與訪查通路以了解個案公司在配銷流程資訊系統的作法和互動,所帶來的轉變與影響,並整理出個案公司資訊平台的的運作模式。並輔以其他國際公司的作法以探討與檢視當前紡織成衣產業的B2B資訊平台設計,並提供相關策略上的建議與分析,以提供紡織成衣產業在推動電子資訊化供應鏈管理的轉型以及發展上有所幫助,提升產業競爭力。\n\n本研究發現個案公司自行開發的資訊平台,帶來最明顯的改變是一個「生態系」模式的轉變,未來其開發的平台是可以與產業界的其他競爭對手共享,並收取使用的權利金等規費,創造出新的盈利模式。但在新的平台營運初期會面臨的許多問題,如需要新的標籤條碼建置、經銷通路的抗拒與衝突、成本的增加等。就現階段而言,最顯著的效應是可以及時的掌控庫存現況,並且有極低的存貨錯誤率,而此平台更被看重的是未來的發展性,一但在業界的通路裡建立起一定的使用量,必定會使其他品牌商進入使用,完整且清楚地追蹤貨物的動向。
Textile industry used to contribute a great portion of Taiwan’s trade surplus. Then due to the labor cost hike, New Taiwan Dollar appreciation, and some other international trade protection issues, the manufacturer gradually switches its production line to the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for lower labor cost. More than these, they tried to search the breaking point of high efficiency by improving supply chain process and implementing information systems to turn the tide of image in declining industries.\n\n The research method of current study is based on the case study, by interviewing the company J and its channels to discover how a new B2B information platform works as well as the changing and impacts of it. Then, several suggestions for textile industry on supply chain transformation are provided.\n\n In this case, this study discovers that the new information platform developed by company J acts as a changing point for the new “ecosystem”. The competitors in textile industry or some other complementary products could be beneficial from this platform by sharing and exchanging the information service. To the company J, this new business model would also gain the revenue by charging fee from other users. Yet, company J has to deal with a range of different challenges such as building the new barcode, changing conflict and resistant behaviors in retail channels and the raise of costs. Currently, the biggest impact is the better inventory management with low inventory error rate. The potential of this platform in the future is sharing the service to all the interest partners and charging service fee as a sustainable business model.\n\nKey words: Information Platform, B2B, Textile Industry, Supply Chain
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資料類型: thesis
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