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題名: 我國延攬外籍專業人士政策與相關法規之探討
A Study on the Policies and Regulations of Acquiring International Talents in Taiwan
作者: 黃千晉
Huang, Chien-Chin
貢獻者: 成之約
Huang, Chien-Chin
關鍵詞: 人才外流
Brain drain
Talent acquisition
International talents
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 29-Aug-2018
摘要: 人力資源為國家發展之根本,尤其在知識經濟的時代,國家是否擁有高質量的人才庫尤為重要。為了台灣的經濟發展,我國政府最早自1960年代便開始引進外籍專業人才。近年來,隨著台灣人才不斷出走,我國對於人才的需求變得更加迫切。依據行政院主計總處於2017年3月16日所發布之「104年國人赴海外工作人數統計結果」顯示,國人赴海外工作者有72.52%具有大專以上之學歷,而所佔比例最高的年齡層落於25~29歲,佔了其中的13.56%,而30~34歲亦佔了13.36%,至於其他年齡層主要亦都佔了超過11%,顯示我國外青壯年高階人才外流情況相當嚴重。為了填補龐大的人才空缺,我國政府近年來密集地修改、調整我國延攬外籍專業人才的法規及政策,亦不斷提出新草案,希望能夠盡力改善台灣的政策制度,使台灣成為更具吸引力的地方,讓更多外籍人才願意前來甚至留在台灣。\r\n\r\n為了了解我國政策制度在實際運行上所發生的問題,本研究除了回顧整理我國以及其他國家的相關文獻與統計資料外,也邀請了數位外籍專業人士、企業人力資源代表、專家學者,以及國發會代表與筆者進行訪談。透過訪談,本研究發現了我國法規政策許多不友善,以及值得改進的地方,例如:外籍人才引進程序繁瑣、人才延攬政府窗口分散、人才聘僱審查標準僵化、評點制僑外生缺乏薪資保障、雇主資格限制過於嚴苛、政府法規資訊不透明……等等。這些問題皆大大影響著外籍專業人士是否願意前來,或者留在台灣的意願。希望我國政府能正視這些的問題,一步步地著手改善,並且將台灣打造成一個國際化的就業市場。\r\n\r\n關鍵字:人才外流、人才引進、外籍專業人才
Human Resource is the foundation for the development of a country. Taiwanese government started acquiring international talents for economic growth since 1960s. In these days, Taiwan faces a stronger demand for high quality talents as more and more Taiwanese talents chose to work abroad. According to Executive Yuan, 72,52% of Taiwanese who work abroad have a bachelor’s degree . Also, 13.56% of them are between 25 to 29 years old; 13.36% are between 30 to 34 years old. The number shows that there is a severe problem of brain drain happening in Taiwan. To fill up the vacancies of high quality talents in the labor market, Taiwanese government continuingly releases relevant policies and regulations about acquiring international talents these years. The ultimate goal for Taiwanese government is to turn Taiwan into a friendly and international country to attract more international talents come and stay in Taiwan.\r\n\r\nTo have a deeper understanding on the problems about applying international talents acquiring policies, this research not only studied on policies and regulations of nearby Asian countries/regions, but also conducted several interviews with some foreign talents, HR recruiters, expert and policy maker. Several problems had been found out through those interviews: complicated procedures and scattered competent authorities on hiring foreign talents, rigid standards about talents evaluation, lack of wage protection to those who were hired through the point system, unrealistic employer qualification standards, information hoarding issues… etc. All these problems are the key reasons to affect whether foreigners are willing to work and stay in Taiwan or not. Thus, it is important for Taiwanese government to face the problems, understand the problems and solve the problems.\r\n\r\nKeywords : brain drain, talent acquisition, international talents
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