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題名: 《啊~》短片創作論述
The Director’s Notes on The Short Firm Script “Ah~”
作者: 陳孟瑄
Chen, Meng-Hsuan
貢獻者: 盧非易
Chen, Meng-Hsuan
關鍵詞: 學生製片
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 29-八月-2018
摘要: 短片《啊~》描述林宇亭因弟弟意外事件,回到故鄉派出所做筆錄,過程中,她回憶起自己的成長,是如何因自閉的弟弟,而必須面對她無法選擇的人生。全片以林宇亭壓抑的心境轉折作為主要情節發展,在失能的家庭與追求自我的青春情懷間,我們將跟隨宇亭一同面對、一同逃避,而那悶在胸口沒辦法對命運提出的質問,將是本片欲傳達的核心主題:人們在面對無法放下的責任重擔,過程是何其殘酷與無奈。\n片中大部分的鏡頭都只著重在主角林宇亭身上,希望以此風格呈現她的人物設定,將孤獨與無能為力形象化。同時,以障礙者手足為主要觀點,盼以此作品能讓更多人重視社會上障礙者家庭的其他成員,他們同樣是身心狀態需要被關注的群體。\n本片創作論述包含創作動機、目的;短片表現形式、手法、創作構想與執行;以及完整製作流程的工作記錄,並包含試映的回饋與修改方向。
The short film "Ah~" is about Lin Yuting returened to her hometown to file a police report for her brother`s accident. In the process, she recalled how she grew up having to face the life that she could not choose because of her autistic brother.\nMost of the shots in the film are focused on Lin-Yuting. We hope to present her character setting in this style of shooting so as to visualize her loneliness and incompetence.\nAlthough the film is based on the disability of the younger brother, I truly hope that people can pay more attention to the families that need to take care of the disability. They are also a group that needs to be supported and cared for.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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