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題名: 碳權交易的法律問題研究
A Study on Legal Aspects of Carbon Emission Trading in Taiwan
作者: 邱康寧
Chiu, Kon-Ning
貢獻者: 林國全
Lin, Kuo-Chuan
Chiu, Kon-Ning
關鍵詞: 碳排放交易
Carbon emission trading
Cap and trade
Kyoto Protocol
Paris agreement
Greenhouse gas reduction and management act
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 1-Oct-2018
摘要: 本文分析,在特定管制目的型的封閉市場中,交易管理並非金融監督管理委員會的業務範圍,而是行政院環境保護署的業務範圍。但問題是目前的行政院環境保護署,以及未來的環境資源部卻沒有相應管理碳排放權交易市場及維持市場交易秩序的單位。因此本文建議政府應另行在目前的環境衛生及毒物管理處下成立碳交易局,專職管理市場及維持交易秩序。並將未來碳排放權的管制、核配、交易三大項業務分開由不同的單位來主管,以避免發生利益衝突的可能。此外雖然現階段我國排放交易制度尚未成立,是否可以在排放交易市場之外再有其他商品市場的機會,尚未可知。但是為了要擴大碳排放交易市場的參與人數與種類,增加、建立次級市場並促進資金流通,而且排放交易制度已經被認為是有效的減量工具。因此,我國及早考慮相關排放額度的商品化過程確有必要。
In the closed market of carbon emission trading with specific regulatory purposes, market regulation is not the responsibility of Financial Supervisory Commission, but of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan.\nThe problem is, currently there are no agencies in the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan nor in the future Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to regulate the market and to maintain trading order in carbon emission trading.\nTherefore, this paper suggests that the government should set up a carbon trading bureau under the current Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management of the EPA to manage the market and maintain trading order.\nBesides, the regulation, allocation, and trading of carbon emission allowances should be separately administered by different government agencies to avoid potential conflicts of interest.\nIn addition, while Taiwan`s carbon emission trading system has not yet been established at this stage, it is not yet known whether there will be opportunities in other commodity markets for carbon emission trading, apart from the dedicated carbon emission trading market.\nTo expand the number and types of participants in the carbon emission trading, secondary markets should be established, as the carbon emission trading has been regarded as an effective carbon reduction tool.\nTherefore, Taiwan should consider the commodification process of carbon emission as early as possible.
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資料類型: thesis
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