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題名: 透過委託 - 代理關係的社會資本發展及交換
Researching Research in Action: Social Capital Development and Exchange Through Principal-Agent Relationships
作者: 湯姆
Robertson, Thomas
貢獻者: 魏玫娟
Wei, Mei-Chuan
Robertson, Thomas
關鍵詞: 代理理論
Agency theory
Action research
Social capital
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 1-十月-2018
摘要: 世界各地的原住民因殖民歷史而面臨經濟、社會和文化的種種困境。現代社會與團結經濟理論帶來了發展倡議,在現代市場系統中透過文化知識、價值觀和傳統的運用,為邊緣化的民族提供更公平的條件。行動研究計畫的創建亦使當地民族得以融入並參與自身的發展。將當地民族與外界資源(如科技、科學和政治等專門知識)連結,預期會在經濟、社會和政治等層面帶來長期效益。\n台灣國立政治大學的學者就發起一個這樣的計畫,名為「樂酷計畫」。這是針對提升烏來地區原住民族泰雅族的社區能力、以SSE為基礎的行動研究專案。「樂酷計畫」背後的學界人士運用其資源,使原民社區動起來並達到某些發展成效。然而,對經歷過許多停滯不前的計畫、一開始就抱持懷疑的社區來說,建立關係的過程並不容易。凝聚專案前進的動力需要大量且持續性的互惠關係。\n來自外界的計畫發起人和參與其內的社區人員,兩者間協調利益的困難性或許可從「委託代理人理論」找到一些洞察。但代理關係並不會在「社會真空」狀態下發生。尤其是社會資本的文獻將信任、互惠和公平觀念視為連結委託人和代理人的關係因素,用來建立關係並降低代理成本。\n本研究旨在透過社會資本視角,檢視「樂酷計畫」的代理關係,藉此為實際運作提供可推論的一般性見解,盼能為日後「樂酷計畫」或其他計畫框架下的專案提供參考,提升其成功的機會。
Indigenous peoples around the world are faced with many economic, social, and cultural difficulties as a result of colonial histories. Modern social and solidarity economic theory has led to developmental initiatives that seek to create more equitable conditions for marginalized peoples by leveraging cultural knowledge, values, and traditions in a modern market system, and action research programs have been created to allow inclusion and participation of local peoples in their own development. By linking local peoples to outside resources, such as technological, scientific, and political expertise, long term economic, social, and political benefits are expected.\nOne such program developed by scholars at National Chengchi University in Taiwan, was the Lokah Initiative; an SSE based action research project that focused on increasing community capacity of the indigenous Atayal people of Wulai. By mobilizing resources, academics behind the Lokah Initiative were able to activate the local community and reach some developmental successes. The process, however, required no small effort to build relationships with an initially skeptical community that had experienced many stalled projects in the past.\nPrincipal-agent theory may provide some insight into the difficulty in aligning interests between outside experts who create programs and community members who participate in them. However, agency relationships do not occur in a social vacuum. In particular, literature on social capital implicates trust, reciprocity, and a sense of fairness as relational factors that indicate bridging links between principals and agents that can be used to build relationships and reduce agency costs.\nThis thesis seeks to examine the Lokah Initiative’s agency relationships through the lens of social capital. By doing this it is hoped to provide generalizable insights into practices that can help increase the likelihood of success for future projects under the Lokah umbrella and beyond.
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