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題名: 探討城市行銷策略、框架分析與組織文化:以2017臺北世大運為例
Exploring City Marketing Strategies, Framing Analysis and Organizational Culture: Using the Taipei 2017 Universiade as the Case Study
作者: 呂雲聲
Loo, Vincent
貢獻者: 陳儒修
Chen, Ru-Shou
Loo, Vincent
關鍵詞: 臺北世大運
Taipei Universiade
City marketing
Frame alignment
Organizational culture
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 23-Nov-2018
摘要: 本研究旨在探討臺北世大運的城市行銷策略,以及臺北世大運組委會如何框架自己的宣傳活動。另外,世大運品牌諮詢小組成立以後,該小組和世大運組委會的組織文化是否影響著行銷宣傳的策劃,亦是本研究欲想探討的重點。\n本研究以觀察研究法對世大運的行銷宣傳活動進行觀察並搜集,之後使用深度訪談法與三位具代表性的研究對象進行受訪。\n研究發現,組織文化的建立乃一個行銷宣傳活動的首要步驟,亦是最主要的關鍵點。而品牌諮詢小組成立後,其組織文化明顯影響著世大運組委會。其次是「框架應用」,世大運組委會的宣傳框架以「捍衛主場」作設定。在城市行銷方面,臺北世大運的「人員行銷」效果最佳。最後,臺北世大運組委會在行銷宣傳上有效的應用「框架結盟」。
The main purpose of this study is to explore strategies for city marketing of Taipei Universaide, and how Taipei Universaide organizing committee (TUOC) framing their own promotion campaigns. Another main research question is: in what way do the organizational cultures of both brand advisory team and TUOC influence the planning of marketing promotion? This study collects promoting campaign information of Taipei Universaide by participation observation and interviewing three key persons for this event.\nThe study finds that, first, establishing organizational culture is a primary step of promotion campaigns, and it is also the most important key issue. The brand advisory team obviously influenced the TUOC in organizational culture. Second, the promotion framework of TUOC is set to “defend the home field”. In terms of city marketing, the personnel marketing contributed the best result. Lastly, TUOC effectively applied the “frame alignment” in marketing promotion.
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