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題名: 1990年代俄羅斯衛國戰爭小說中的歷史書寫
The Historical Writing in Russian Novels of the Great Patriotic War in 1990s
作者: 趙建常
Zhao, Jianchang
關鍵詞: 衛國戰爭小說 ; 歷史書寫 ; 戰爭觀 ; novels of the Great Patriotic War ; historical writing ; view of war
日期: Jun-2017
上傳時間: 23-Jan-2019
摘要: Out of the shackles of the official ideology in the Soviet Union, the Russian novels of the Great Patriotic War, which are based on personal experience or the declassified archival materials, focus on the performance of the cruel truths of history. This paper is to explore the historical writing in the novels Cursed and killed (V. P. Astafiev) and The general and his army (G. N. Vladimov). Both writers are efforts to restore historical events, at the same time, correct errors on the values. They have rewritten the history about the Great Patriotic War with the universal values and view of war, and subverted the myths of the Great Patriotic War literature in the Soviet period.
在擺脫蘇聯官方意識形態的束縛之後,1990年代的俄羅斯衛國戰爭小說或以歷史親歷者的個人體驗為基礎,或以解密的檔案資料為依據,著力表現殘酷的戰爭及與之相關的歷史真相。本文以1990年代兩部著名的衛國戰爭小說,即阿斯塔菲耶夫(В. П. Астафьев, 1924-2001)的《被詛咒的與被殺死的》(Прокляты и убиты)和弗拉基莫夫(Г. Н. Владимов, 1931-2003)的《將軍和他的部隊》(Генерал и его армия)為例,探討這兩部作品關於歷史的書寫,從中發現這一時期關於衛國戰爭歷史書寫的特徵:在對歷史事件做正本清源、努力還原的同時,還在思想觀念上刊謬反正、大膽超越,以一種普世的價值觀和戰爭觀對衛國戰爭歷史進行著重述,在一定程度上達到對蘇聯時期衛國戰爭文學神話的顛覆。
關聯: 俄語學報, No.28, 53-65
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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