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題名: 合作學習融入國中書法教學之成效研究
A Study on the Effects of Applying Cooperative Learning in Calligraphy Teaching in Junior High School
作者: 周欣慧
Chou, Hsin-Hui
貢獻者: 郭昭佑
Guo, Chao-Yu
Chou, Hsin-Hui
關鍵詞: 合作學習
Cooperative leaning
Calligraphy learning attitude
Calligraphy learning skills
日期: 2018
上傳時間: 12-Feb-2019
摘要: 本研究目的旨在探討合作學習教學法融入國中書法教學對學生書法學習成效之影響。\n研究對象為南投縣某國中之58位八年級學生,本研究採取準實驗設計法,將58位研究對象分為兩個班級,一個班級為實驗組,另一個班級為控制組。實驗組接受合作學習融入書法教學,控制組則接受示範教學法。\n本研究包含以下三種研究工具:「書法學習態度問卷調查」、「書法評定量表」及「學生分組合作學習經驗問卷」。研究者將所得之資料以描述性統計、單因子共變數分析及成對樣本 t 考驗進行實驗結果的檢驗與分析。\n茲將本研究資料分析結果歸納如下:\n一、根據書法學習態度問卷調查,實驗組學生之書法學習態度顯著優於控制組學生,顯示合作學習教學法融入書法教學能有效提升學生書法學習態度。\n二、根據書法評定量表,實驗組學生之書法技能學習成效顯著優於控制組學生,顯示合作學習教學法融入書法教學能有效提升學生書法技能學習成效。\n三、根據學生分組合作學習經驗問卷,實驗組學生的分組合作學習經驗顯著優於控制組學生,顯示合作學習教學法融入書法教學能有效提升學生學習動機與態度、同儕互動與合作。\n最後,研究者依據本研究結果提出關於合作學習教學法之建議,以供教師在書法教學實務上及未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this study aimed to examine the effects of applying cooperative learning in calligraphy teaching to improve junior high school students’ learning performance.\nIn this research, the participants were 58 students in a junior high school in Nantou County. A quasi\nexperimental method was conducted on two classes of 58 participants. One class students were assigned as the experimental group and the other students as the control group. Experimental group was taught using “cooperative learning in calligraphy teaching”, while the control group was taught using demonstration method.\nThe research tools were used included: "A Calligraphy Learning Attitude Questionnaire, "A Calligraphy Rating Scale" and "A Cooperative Learning Experience Questionnaire". Analysis of descriptive statistics, one-way ANCOVA and paired-sample t test was applied to examine the effects of the experiment.\nAccording to the findings of this research, the results of this study were as follows:\n1.Based on Calligraphy Learning Attitude Questionnaire, the experimental group`s calligraphy learning attitude was significantly better than the control group. On the other hand, cooperative learning can improve grade 8th students’ calligraphy learning attitude.\n2.Based on Calligraphy Rating Scale, the experimental group`s calligraphy learning skills was significantly better than the control group. On the other hand, cooperative learning can improve grade 8th students’ calligraphy learning skills.\n3.Based on Cooperative Learning Experience Questionnaire, the experimental group`s cooperative learning experience was significantly better than the control group. On the other hand, cooperative learning can improve grade 8th students’ learning motivation and attitude, peer interaction and cooperative.\nFinally, some suggestions about cooperative learning based on the results of this study are provided for teachers as a reference in calligraphy practical teaching and future possible researching.
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